Title of the paper: "George Orwell and his theories"

Author or topic: George Orwell

       Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:

           George Orwell is one of the most important writers of  Twentieth Century in English Literature, in this web site we will find out in the end, who was and what Orwell did.

All his ideas and theories, literary and political ones, will be worked out in this project. I will use his novel, ´Animal Farm` in which he made concrete all his abstract and theoretical ideas,   through  the rebellion on a farm we should recognize his message of criticism.Therefore we can see all his work concerned with the narrative and also my own ideas.

Auto-evaluation:   SB

Academic year 1999/2000

12.Marzo 1999

© a.r.e.a/Dr.Vicente Forés López

© Ivan Torrijos Alvarez

Universitat de València Press

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