Julian Barnes (January 19, 1946 - )

Metroland, 1980.

Before She Met Me, 1982.

Flaubert's Parrot, 1984.

Staring at the Sun, 1986.

A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, 1989.

Talking it Over, 1991.

Porcupine, 1992. 


Letters from London, 1995.

Biographical Summary (under construction)

Julian Barnes was born in Leicester, England, in 1946, was educated at Oxford University and now lives in London.

Secondary Sources

Barnes, Julian and Aurstad Oddvar. "An Affair of Sanity." Times Literary Supplement, London, England. 1984 Jan. 6, 4214, 5

Barnes, Julian and Michael Walter (tr.). "Maughams Tor, Flauberts Papagei, Koestlers Zigaretten."

Merkur: Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Europaisches Denken, Stuttgart, Germany. 1987 Feb., 41:2 (456), 174-179

Barnes, Julian. "Playing Chess with Arthur Koestler." The Yale Review, Cambridge, MA. 1988 Summer, 77:4, 478-491

Fuentes, Carlos. "Dos Veces, el Sol: La Nueva Novela de Julian Barnes." Suplemento Lit. la Nacion 1988 Mar. 27, 6

Higdon, David Leon. " 'Unconfessed Confessions': The Narrators of Graham Swift and Julian Barnes." The British and Irish Novel Since 1960. ed. James Acheson. New York : St. Martin's, 1991. x, 217 pp.

Mcgrath, Patrick. "Julian Barnes." Bomb 1987 Fall, 21, 20-23

Millington, Mark I. and Alison S. Sinclair. "The Honorable Cuckold: Models of Masculine Defence."

Comparative Literature Studies, University Park, PA. 1992, 29:1, 1-19

Raucq Hoorickx, Isabelle. "Julian Barnes' History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters: A Levinasian Deconstructionist Point of View." Le Langage et l'Homme: Recherches Pluridisciplinaires sur le-Langage, Brussels, Belgium. 1991 Mar, 26:1, 47-54

Salgas, Jean Pierre. "Julian Barnes n'en a pas Fini avec Flaubert." La Quinzaine Litteraire, Paris, France. 1986 May 16-31, 463, 10-13

Scott, James B. "Parrot as Paradigms: Infinite Deferral of Meaning in 'Flaubert's Parrot'." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, Calgary, AB, Canada. 1990 July, 21:3, 57-68

Suarez, Ramon. "Notas Acerca de un Loro Famoso." Revista Chilena de Literatura, Santiago, Chile. 1987 Apr., 29, 151-155

White, Patricia S. "Gatsby's Party: The System and the List." Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI. 1991 May, 51:11

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Universitat de València Press
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