Publishing and Publicising Wells
Wells's Literary Friendships
The Society has arranged two major international conferences. The first, under the title "H.G.Wells Under Revision", was held in 1986 to mark the 40th anniversary of Wells's death.
In 1995 the Society took the initiative in arranging an international symposium, "The Time Machine: Past, Present and Future" to mark the centenary of the publication of Wells's scientific romance.
Please contact:- Philip Coupland
Humantities Research Centre
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
E-mail:Philip Coupland
Telephone (from UK): 01933-229134 (home)
The members of the organising committee are: Prof. Martha S. Vogeler (California State University, Fullerton), Prof. Jacob Korg (University of Washington), Prof. Pierre Coustillas (University of Lille), Dr. David Grylls (Oxford University) and Dr. Bouwe Postmus (University of Amsterdam).
For further information please contact:- Bouwe Postmus
English Department
University of Amsterdam
Spuistraat 210
1012 VT
E-mail:Bouwe Postmus
Telephone: (+31) 75 6283406
Fax: (+31) 20 5253052