Copyright and H.G. Wells


Within the United Kingdom and all other countries of the European Union, and also within Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Norway and Romania, the works of H.G. Wells remain in copyright until 31 December 2016. Within Brazil, the copyright lasts until 31 December 2006.

United States

Within the United States, any book first published before 31 December 1922 is in the public domain. Works published after that remain in copyright for 95 years from first publication.


The works of H.G. Wells which were published during his lifetime are now in the public domain in other parts of the world, such as Canada, Australasia, and Africa.

The above remarks refer to works which were published during Wells's lifetime; any works which were published posthumously, such as letters and H.G. Wells in Love, remain in copyright throughout the world for 50 years from first publication.

No copyright material may be produced in any form without permission from the Wells copyright owners, whose primary agents are A.P. Watt Ltd, 20 John Street, London WC1N 2DR. Dramatic rights are handled by the Casarotto Company Limited, National House, 60-66 Wardour Street, London W1V 3HP.

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