First Paper

Student’s acute name: Javier Iradiel Sánchez

Title of the paper: H. G. Wells: Sci-Fiction Literature on Dr Moreau’s Island.

Author or topic: Herbert George Wells.


In this Paper I am going to discuss the role of H.G. Wells in his lifetime. In order to reach those objectives, I will make an attempt so as to analyse the biography of this Father of Twentieth Century Science Fiction Narrative. I will try to focalize my attention on his novel Dr. Moreau’s Island. To accomplish this intention I will make effective a transcription of this text on its electronic version, and I will mention also the entire list of this author’s works, not to mention the commentaries about the named work. Finally, my research will be completed with pages devoted to the used references and a detailed paper which contains links for a deeper study.

Autoevaluation: notable

4596 Narrativa en lengua inglesa II 1999/2000

29. Noviembre 1999

©a.r.e.a./ Dr. Vicente Forés López

©Copyright 1999-2000 Javier Iradiel Sánchez.

Universitat de València Press.