The main character:  ALEX

His Significance

In 1985 Burgess describes the reasons behind Alex's name: the hero needed a noble name, nicely met by Alexander ("leader of
men") the Great. Other considerations where that "Alex" == "a lex(icon)", a language of his own, "a lex(mumble)", a law (unto
himself), also without ("a" in Greek usage) law, and a couple of others. The relevant excerpt will appear here soon. The title has
two primary meanings: first, the basic meaning of the Cockney expression (not an example of rhyming slang, incidentally) "as
queer as a clockwork orange", something that on the surface was normal, but inside was artificial and unnatural. Further to that,
the overlap with Malay "orang" meaning "man" (witness "orang-utan", hairy man or suchlike). This particular clockwork orange
is human on the surface, but inside is no such thing. ALEX, GEORGIE, PETE and DIM. These names could conceivably be
Russian, with DIM an abbreviation for DIMITRI." The writer, who has pretentions of leadership of his own, is named F.
Alexander. In fact, most of this is detailed in 1985 - more later.
