Title of the paper: "A Clockwork Orange and the Aestheticization of Violence"

Author or topic: Anthony Burgess

Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:

This work deals about the book of Anthony  Burgess, “A Clockwork Orange” , The essay
 that gave him an enormous popularity , which he mostly gained after the release of the film , directed by Stanley Kubrick , named as the book thanks to wich most people knew about this magnificent essay.
 The task that  I´m going to realize  will center basically on the next points :
-The narrative after the second world war
-youth  violence
-critics received about the violence
These points will be treated deeply in the work and completed with  other sources , quotations and personal opinions.


Academic year 1999/2000

22 November 1999

© a.r.e.a/Dr.Vicente Forés López

© Javier Ubeda Ausina

Universitat de València Press

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