1608 |
9. Born into the family of John Milton Sr., and his wife Sara,
at the family home, "The Spreadeagle," Bread St., London.
large house is within several blocks of St. Paul's Cathedral and in
a well-to-do mercantile neighborhood. John Milton Sr. is a
prosperous scrivener-legal aide, real-estate agent, notary, preparer
of documents, money-lender; he is also active as a composer of
liturgical music. |
1615 |
24. Brother Christopher born. |
1618 |
painted by Cornelius Janssen (Leo Miller, Milton's Portraits
7-9). Milton is tutored at home by Thomas Young, a Scottish
Presbyterian who will come to be identified with the Puritan
movement. Young will present Milton with a Hebrew Bible and
will trade Latin and Greek verses with him. |
1620 (?) |
Paul's School, under the high master Alexander Gill. After Milton's
death, his brother Christopher told John Aubrey "When he [John] went
to Schoole, when he was very young he studied very hard and sate-up
very late, commonly till 12 or one a clock at night, & his
father ordered the mayde to sitt-up for him, and in those years
composed many Copies of Verses: which might well become a riper age"
(Darbishire 2, 10). After the age of twelve, the young Milton "rarely retired to bed from my studies until
midnight" (Columbia
8.119). His best friend at St. Paul's is Charles Diodati, son of a
prominent Protestant Italian doctor. Charles will matriculate
at Trinity College, Cambridge, February 7, 1623. Milton is also
instituting a long-term friendship with Alexander Gill the younger,
an under-usher at St. Paul's and about ten years older than Milton.
1625 |
12. Admitted to Christ's College, Cambridge, under the tutor
William Chappell. |
1626 |
with Chappell causes him to be sent home to London or "rusticated"
temporarily. While in London, Milton informs Charles Diodati
that he is seeing classical comedies and tragedies performed. When he returns to
Cambridge, he is put under the tutor Nathaniel Tovey. |
1627 |
11. Lends his future father-in-law, Richard Powell,
£500. |
1629 |
dissatisfaction with the curriculum at Cambridge in his first
Prolusion: Milton avows that possibly half his audience of fellow
students "bear[s] malice" toward him (French 1:150).
Portrait painted (?). Milton sees, and later derides, dramatic
performances at Cambridge.
December 25. "On the
Morning of Christ's Nativity" composed before dawn. |
1630 |
Diodati attends the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Edward
King, the subject of Milton's "Lycidas," is given a fellowship at
Christ's College. |
1631 |
February. Christopher
Milton matriculates at Christ's College, under Milton's tutor
Nathaniel Tovey. |
1632 |
"On Shakespeare" published in the Second Folio of
Shakespeare's works.
July 3. Takes M. A. cum laude at
Cambridge. He has evidently been on much
better terms with fellow students, since his poems on the death of
Hobson indicate convivial behavior (Parker I: 94) and his last
college exercise, the Oratorio pro Arte ("oration on behalf
of art"), discusses, among other things, the value of worthy and
congenial friendship.
Retires to family homes at
Hammersmith, near London, and at Horton, in Buckinghamshire, to
study for five years, at his father's expense, occasionally visiting
London "for the purposes of learning something new in mathematics or
music, in which I then delighted" (Columbia 8.120).
Christopher Milton admitted to Inner Temple, London, to study law. |
1634 |
29. Comus performed as part of the ceremonies honoring the
installation of Thomas Egerton, the Lord President of Wales, at
Ludlow Castle, on the border of England and Wales. Sir Henry
Wotton, Provost of Eton College, will be given a copy of the masque
to read.
Trades Greek and Latin
verses with Alexander Gill the younger. |
1637 |
Comus is published,
anonymously at first, with the aid of the court composer Henry Lawes, who has written the music.
April 3. Mother Sara
dies and is buried at Horton.
September 2. Writes to
Charles Diodati that he is finishing an intense and "great period of
my studies" (French 1:343).
November. "Lycidas" is
written (Edward King, Milton's fellow pupil at Christ's College, in
whose memory the poem was written, had drowned August 10).
1638 |
is published in the Cambridge memorial volume for Edward King,
Justa Edwardo King Naufrago ("In memory of Edward King,
shipwrecked"). |
April (?) 1638 through early
1639 |
Western Europe, passing quickly through France, then concentrating
on Florence, Siena, Rome, Venice, Milan, and Naples, and returning
by way of Geneva. Milton meets Hugo Grotius, the famous Dutch legal
scholar and poet, possibly in May, 1638, in Paris. |
1638 |
received at meetings of the Academia Svogliati in Florence, where he
reads his own Latin verse. Presumably Milton goes to
Vallombrosa, a monastery near Florence. He also probably visits
Galileo, then under house arrest by the Inquisition in Florence. He
attends an operatic performance at the palace of Cardinal Francesco
Barberini, nephew to the Pope, in Rome, and visits the Vatican
Library. He meets the biographer of Torquato Tasso, Giovanni
Batista, Marquis of Manso, in Naples. Milton will write
"Mansus" in his honor.
A planned trip to Greece is
canceled, apparently because of rumors of impending civil war in
England. Milton learns of Charles Diodati's death (Charles was
buried in London August 27), possibly while visiting Giovanni
Diodati, theologian and uncle of Charles, in Geneva. |
1639- 1640 |
Settles in
London, instituting a kind of private secondary school or academy,
at first with his nephews Edward and John Phillips, later with
aristocratic children as well.
Charles I invades Scotland
(1639). The Long Parliament is convened (1640). |
1640 |
30. Repossesses Richard Powell's lands in Wheatly for
non-payment of debt. |
1641 |
Of Reformation published.
June or July. Of
Prelatical Episcopacy published.
Animadversions published. |
1642 |
The Reason for Church Government published.
May (?).
Marries Mary Powell. She leaves him about a month later, to return
to the Powell family household near Oxford, and does not return. The
Powell family declare on the side of the Royalists.
August. The Civil
War begins.
October. Milton's
brother Christopher begins service on the side of the Royalists
while in residence in the city of Reading (Parker 1: 231). Royalist
army maintains its headquarters in Oxford. Battle of Edgehill
October 23. |
1643 |
1. Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce published.
1644 |
2. Second, augmented edition of Doctrine and Discipline
June 5. Of
Education published.
July 2. Battle of
Marston Moor (turning point in the War).
August 6. The
Judgement of Martin Bucer Concerning Divorce published.
23. Areopagitica published. |
1645 |
4. Tetrachordon and
Colasterion published.
of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin...1645 registered for
Makes plans to marry the
daughter of a Dr. Davis, "a very Handsome and Witty Gentlewoman"
(Darbishire 66). Mary Powell returns.
June 14. Battle of
Naseby (end of Charles I's hopes to achieve a military
settlement). |
1646 |
The entire
Powell family, having been ejected from Oxford as Royalist when the
forces of King Charles were no longer in ascendancy there, moves in
with Milton.
January 2.
Poems...1645 published.
July 29. Daughter Anne
born. |
1647 |
1. Father-in-law Richard Powell dies.
March. John Milton,
Sr. dies, leaving a "moderate estate" (Darbishire 32-33) including
the Bread St. house.
April 21. Writes to his
Italian friend Carlo Dati, lamenting that he is surrounded by
uncongenial people (Yale 2: 762-73).
The Milton family, after the
Powell relatives have returned to Oxford, moves from the larger
house in the Barbican to a smaller one in High Holborn, near
Lincoln's Inn Fields, a quiet neighborhood. |
1648 |
25. Daughter Mary born. |
1649 |
30. Public execution of King Charles I: "Milton was probably there"
(Parker 1:345).
February 13. Tenure
of Kings and Magistrates published.
March. Invited to
become Secretary for the Foreign Tongues (a post dealing with
diplomatic correspondence, usually in Latin) by the Council of
State. Milton was appointed Secretary March 15, at £288 per year,
and ordered to answer Eikon Basilike, the book supposedly
written by Charles I on the eve of his execution, which depicts the
King's image (icon) as that of a martyr.
May 11. Salmasius's
Defensio Regia ("defense of kingship") appears.
May 16.
Observations on the Articles of Peace published.
6. Eikonoklastes ("breaker of icons") published.
19. Given lodgings for official work at Scotland Yard. |
1650 |
by Council of State to answer Salmasius. |
1651 |
24. Defensio pro populo Anglicano ("defense of the
English people," to vindicate the actions of the English on the
Continent) published.
March 16. Son John
Milton family moves to "a
pretty Garden-house in Petty-France in Westminster ... opening into
St. James's Park" (Darbishire 71). |
1652 |
Becomes totally blind towards the end of the month, most likely as
the result of glaucoma.
May 2. Daughter
Deborah born.
May 5. Wife Mary dies,
probably from complications following childbirth.
June 16 (?).
Son John dies under somewhat mysterious circumstances (may have been
neglected by a nurse; see Parker, Milton 1: 412).
August. Pierre du
Moulin's regii Sanguinis Clamor ("the outcry of the King's
blood") published, in reply to Milton's Defensio.
Milton is ordered to reply to it by the Council of State.
1653 |
20. Writes a letter recommending that Andrew Marvell, because
of his abilities as translator and scholar, become his
September 3. Salmasius
dies. |
1654 |
30. Defensio Secunda published. |
1655 |
Allowed to
use the services of an amanuesis to take dictation for him in
Secretaryship; translation duties limited. Milton resumes private
scholarship, preparing a Latin dictionary and Greek lexicon;
possibly he works on De Doctrina Christiana ("On Christia
Doctrine"), his summary of his own theological beliefs; possibly
works on Paradise Lost. Salary reduced from £288 to
£150, but that becomes a pension for life.
August 8. Defensio
Pro Se ("defence of himself") published. |
1656 |
12. Marries Katherine Woodcock. |
1657 |
19. Daughter Katherine born. |
1658 |
3. Katherine Woodcock dies.
March 17. Daughter Katherine
September 3. Oliver
Cromwell dies. |
1659 |
16 (?). A Treatise of Civil Power published.
3. Ready and Easy Way To Establish a Free Commonwealth
published in its first edition.
Goes into hiding at a
friend's house in Bartholomew Close to escape possible retaliation
from Charles II's loyalists "where he liv'd till the Act of Oblivion
[the act pardoning most of those who had abjured Charles I] came
forth" (Darbishire 74).
June 16. Parliament
looks into the possibility of having Milton arrested.
June 27. The
hangman of London burns Defensio pro populo Anglicano and
Eikonoklastes publicly.
August. The
Likeliest Means to Remove Hirelings out of the Church
August (?). Takes a
house in Holborn, near Red Lion Fields. Milton moves from there
shortly to a house in Jewin Street, in September, in fear for his
life (Darbishire 74-75).
October (?). Arrested
and imprisoned.
December 15. Released by
order of Parliament. On December 17, Andrew Marvell protests in
Parliament that Milton's jail fees (£150) were excessive.
1660 |
May 30.
Restoration of King Charles II.
Revised edition of the
Ready and Easy Way. |
1662 |
tutoring Thomas Ellwood, a young Quaker who would mention the
circumstances of the publication of Paradise Lost and
Paradise Regain'd in his own autobiography.
June (?).
Sonnet to Sir Henry Vane published. Vane executed June 14, after
eloquently defending the sovereignty of parliament. |
1663 |
24. Marries Elizabeth Minshull. Problems arise in the
family before and after the marriage. His daughter Mary is said to
have wished him dead rather than married, and several of his
daughters are said to have conspired to sell some of his books "to
the dunghill women" (Parker 1: 586).
The family moves from Jewin
Street to "a House in the artillery-walk [a miltiary marching
ground] leading to Bunhill Fields." "here he finisht
his noble Poem, and publisht it in the year 1666" (Darbishire
75). |
1665 |
Ellwood acts as agent, securing a house for Milton in Chalfont St.
Giles, Buckinghamshire, to avoid a visitation of the plague in
London. ("Milton's Cottage," the only residence in which
Milton lived that has been preserved, is now open to the
public.) |
1666 |
The poet's
father's house in Bread Street is among those destroyed in the Great
Fire of London, which also burns most of the printing houses.
1667 |
Paradise Lost
published, in ten books. Milton's agreement with Samuel Simmons the
printer is the earliest author's contract preserved
(Lindenbaum). |
1668 |
Paradise Lost
reissued with a new title page, the arguments, and other preliminary
matter. |
1669 |
June. Accidence
Commenced Grammar published. |
1670 |
portrait painted in pastels, then engraved, by William
November (?).
History of Britain published, with the Faithorne engraving as
frontispiece. |
1671 |
Paradise Regain'd and
Samson Agonistes published together. The date of
composition of Samson Agonistes is still in dispute.
1672 |
(?). Art of Logic published. |
1673 |
(?). Of True Religion published.
November (?).
Poems, &c. upon Several Occasions ...1675
published. |
1674 |
Epistolae Familiares ("familiar letters" or "letters to
friends") and Prolusiones ("prolusions," college exercises)
July 6 (?). Second
edition of Paradise Lost published, in twelve books, with
commendatory poems by "S.B." and Andrew Marvell.
Dies "in a fit of the gout, but with so little pain or emotion that
the time of his expiring was not perceived by those in the room"
(French 5: 96) at some time between November 8 and November
November 12. Buried near his
father in the church of St. Giles, Cripplegate.
Works Cited
Darbishire, Helen, ed. The Early Lives of Milton.
London: Constable, 1932.
French, J. Milton. The
Life Records of John Milton. 5 vols. New Brunswick, NJ:
Rutgers UP, 1949-58. New York: Gordian P, 1966.
Lindenbaum, Peter. "The Poet in the Marketplace: Milton and
Samuel Simmons." Paper delivered at the Fourth International Milton
Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver 4-10 August,
Miller, Leo. Milton's Portraits.
Special issue of Milton Quarterly (1976).
William Riley. Milton: A Biography. 2 vols. Oxford:
Clarendon, 1968.
Patterson, Frank A., gen. ed.
The Works of John Milton. 18 vols. New York: Columbia UP,
Wolfe, Don M., gen ed. Complete Prose
Works of John Milton. 8 vols. in 10 Haven, CT: Yale UP,