Dramatis Personae
Dramatis Personae


(in alphabetical order)

Abdiel ~ a seraph who, though counted among Lucifer's legions in heaven, remains faithful to God, standing up to chastise Lucifer and the angels who are about to follow him into rebellion in Book V, beginning with line 803.

Adam ~ the first human being, created by God by his own hand and breath; husband of Eve, who was created from his rib. Described as the "goodliest man of men" [iv.323], given the tasks of naming the animals and tending the Garden of Eden.

Beelzebub ~ Satan's lieutenant and chief supporter. In the debate among the devils in Book II, Beelzebub speaks last and presents the plan for a furtive revenge against God by perverting man, which is, in fact, Satan's own plan, which Beelzebub only pretends to suggest of his own volition. He is described as appearing like "a pillar of state" [ii.301] a majestic, wise statesman.

Belial ~ a fallen angel who speaks second during the demonic council [ii.108], conceding God is too powerful to oppose and they should wait for his amnesty. His graceful manner conceals a vice-ridden soul.

Chaos ~ the personification of anarchy, described along with Night to be "ancestors of Nature" [ii.890], encountered by Satan on his journey to Earth.

Death ~ Satan's son, incestuously conceived by Sin, Satan's daughter. Described as a frightening, shadowy figure [ii.666], which makes even Satan wary in its presence. "Fierce as ten Furies, terrible as Hell," and wearing a crown, it wields a dart, threatens Satan with it, and speaks mockingly to him.

Eve ~ the mother of all mankind, the first and most beautiful woman, and wife of Adam, having been made by God from Adam's rib.

Gabriel ~ an angel faithful to God, second in rank to Michael, assigned to guard the Garden of Eden in the days before the fall.

God ~ the Creator of the universe, of angels, Heaven, Hell, and man. The Supreme Being, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and ruler of all.

Lucifer ~ the name by which Satan is known before his fall from Heaven. The name is Latin, meaning "light-bearer." See Satan

Mammon ~ a fallen angel who speaks third at Satan's council [ii.229], suggesting that the devils make the best of their present situation in Hell and not oppose God any further.

Messiah ~ the Son of God and future incarnation of Jesus Christ, whom the Father ordains king of the angels and his equal in power. He defeats Lucifer's rebellion [vi.824], and is sent by his Father to carry out the miracle of Creation [Book VII]. He volunteers to die for man's sin [iii.227]; acts as judge over Adam and Eve, mercifully postponing their punishment of death [x.103]; and intercedes with God for their redemption [xi.22].

Michael ~ the archangel who leads the loyal angelic army against the rebels in the war in Heaven. Wielding a mighty sword, he duels with Lucifer and wounds him [vi.245]. He later descends to Earth to expel Adam and Eve from Paradise [Books XI, XII].

Moloch ~ a bellicose angel, the first speaker at the council in Hell [ii.43], fiercely advocating a return to open war against God, even should it conclude with their destruction.

Mulciber ~ the fallen angel who designs Pandemonium, capital of Hell and the setting for the demonic council [i.730].

Nisroch ~ an angel in the rebel crew who speaks during a nighttime truce in the war [vi.446], bemoaning the fact that they find themselves liable to pain, while the forces of God seem immune.

Raphael ~ the angel God sends to visit Adam and Eve in Eden to warn them about Satan. He is the poem's narrator of the account of Satan's rebellion in heaven and the creation of the world, as told to the human couple. He is "sociably mild" in contrast to the stern, military angels, Michael and Gabriel.

Satan ~ generally acclaimed as the most compelling and complex character in the epic, Satan becomes known by this name (which means "enemy" or "adversary" in Hebrew) after his expulsion from Heaven. Formerly he was called Lucifer and was one of the highest ranking angels, but envy drove him to rebel against God. The allegorical personification of evil, originator of evil, father of Sin and Death, adversary of God, and destroyer of Eden.

Sin ~ the daughter of Satan, who literally sprung from his head when he first conceived of rebellion while still in Heaven; made pregnant by her father, from which incestuous match came Death. Described as a beautiful woman to the waist, but below the waist "a serpent armed with mortal sting" and surrounded by hell-hounds, which crawl in and out of her womb, using it as a kennel [ii.650].

Urania ~ Milton's Christian Muse, invoked at various points in the epic to inspire the telling of the story of Paradise Lost.

Uriel ~ one of the "seven spirits that stand in sight of God's high throne" [ii.654] and the radiant archangel of the sun, fooled by a disguised Satan into directing the fiend to Earth.


The Faithful


Abdiel [v,vi]
The Fallen


Adramelech [vi.365]

