SUMMARY : The Author sets out on his Third Voyage; is taken by Pyrates. The Malice of a Dutchman. His Arrival at an Island. He is received into Laputa.

  I HAD NOT been at home above ten Days, when Captain William Robinson, a Cornish Man, Commander of the
Hope-well, a stout Ship of three Hundred Tuns, came to my House. I had formerly been Surgeon of another Ship where
he was Master, and a fourth Part Owner, in a Voyage to the Levant. He had always treated me more like a Brother
than an inferior Officer; and hearing of my Arrival made me a Visit, as I apprehended only out of Friendship, for nothing
passed more than what is usual after long Absences. But repeating his Visits often, expressing his Joy to find me in good
Health, asking whether I were now settled for Life, adding that he intended a Voyage to the East-Indies, in two Months,
at last he plainly invited me, though with some Apololgies, to be Surgeon of the Ship. That I should have another
Surgeon under me, besides our two Mates; that my Salary should be double to the usual Pay; and that having
experienced my Knowledge in Sea-Affairs to be at least equal to his, he would enter into any Engagement to follow my
Advice, as much as if I had Share in the Command.

He said so many other obliging things, and I knew him to be so honest a Man, that I could not reject his Proposal; the
Thirst I had of seeing the World, notwithstanding my past Misfortunes, continuing as violent as ever. The only Difficulty
that remained, was to persuade my Wife, whose Consent however I at last obtained by the Prospect of Advantage she
proposed to her Children.

We set out the 5th Day of August, 1706, and arrived at Fort St. George, the 11th of April 1707. We stayed there
three Weeks to refresh our Crew, many of whom were sick. From thence we went to Tonquin, where the Captain
resolved to continue some Time; because many of the Goods he intended to buy were not ready, nor could he expect to
be dispatched in several Months. Therefore in hopes to defray some of the Charges he must be at, he bought a Sloop,
loaded it with several Sorts of Goods, wherewith the Tonquinese usually trade to the neighbouring Islands; and putting
Fourteen Men on Board, whereof three were of the Country, he appointed me Master of the Sloop, and gave me Power
to traffick, while he transacted his Affairs at Tonquin.

We had not sailed above three Days, when a great Storm arising, we were driven five Days to the North-North-East,
and then to the East; after which we had fair Weather, but still with a pretty strong Gale from the West. Upon the tenth
Day we were chased by two Pyrates, who soon overtook us; for my Sloop was so deep loaden, that she sailed very
slow; neither were we in a Condition to defend our selves.

We were boarded about the same Time by both the Pyrates, who entered furiously at the Head of their Men; but finding
us all prostrate upon our Faces (for so I gave Order,) they pinioned us with strong Ropes, and setting a Guard upon us,
went to search the Sloop.

I observed among them a Dutchman, who seemed to be of some Authority, though he were not Commander of either
Ship. He knew us by our Countenances to be Englishmen, and jabbering to us in his own Language, swore we should
be tyed Back to Back, and thrown into the Sea. I spoke Dutch tolerably well; I told him who we were, and begged him
in consideration of our being Christians and Protestants, of neighbouring Countries, in strict Alliance, that he would move
the Captains to take some Pity on us. This inflamed his Rage; he repeated his Threatnings, and turning to his
Companions, spoke with great Vehemence, in the Japanese Language, as I suppose; often using the Word Christianos.

The largest of the two Pyrate Ships was commanded by a Japanese Captain, who spoke a little Dutch, but very
imperfectly. He came up to me, and after several Questions, which I answered in great Humility, he said we should not
die. I made the Captain a very low Bow, and then turning to the Dutchman , said, I was sorry to find more Mercy in a
Heathen, than in a Brother Christian. But I had soon Reason to repent those foolish Words; for that malicious
Reprobate, having often endeavoured in vain to persuade both the Captains that I might be thrown into the Sea (which
they would not yield to after the promise made me, that I should not die), however prevailed so far as to have a
Punishment inflicted on me, worse in all human Appearance than Death it self. My Men were sent by an equal Division
into both the Pyrate-Ships, and my Sloop new manned. As to my self, it was determined that I should be set a-drift, in a
small Canoe, with Paddles and a Sail, and four Days Provisions; which last the Japanese Captain was so kind to double
out of his own Stores, and would permit no Man to Search me. I got down into the Canoe, while the Dutchman
standing upon the Deck, loaded me with all the Curses and injurious Terms his Language could afford.

About an Hour before we saw the Pyrates, I had taken an Observation, and found we were in the Latitude of 46 N. and
of longitude 183. When I was at some Distance from the Pyrates, I discovered by my Pocket-Glass several Islands to
the South-East. I set up my Sail, the Wind being fair, with a Design to reach the nearest of those Islands, which I made a
Shift to do in about three Hours. It was all rocky; however I got many Birds Eggs; and striking Fire, I kindled some
Heath and dry Sea Weed, by which I roasted my Eggs. I eat no other Supper, being resolved to spare my Provisions as
much as I could. I passed the Night under the Shelter of a Rock, strowing some Heath under me, and slept pretty well.

The next Day I sailed to another Island, and thence to a third and fourth, sometimes using my Sail, and sometimes my
Paddles. But not to trouble the Reader with a particular Account of my Distresses; let it suffice that on the 5th Day, I
arrived at the last Island in my Sight, which lay South-South-East to the former.

This Island was at a greater Distance than I expected, and I did not reach it in less than five Hours. I encompassed it
almost round before I could find a convenient Place to land in, which was a small Creek, about three Times the
Wideness of my Canoe. I found the Island to be all rocky, only a little intermingled with Tufts of Grass and sweet
smelling Herbs. I took out my small Provisions, and after having refreshed myself, I secured the Remainder in a Cave,
whereof there were great Numbers. I gathered plenty of Eggs upon the Rocks, and got a Quantity of dry Seaweed and
parched Grass, which I designed to kindle the next Day, and roast my Eggs as well as I could. (For I had about me my
Flint, Steel, Match, and Burning-glass.) I lay all Night in the Cave where I had lodged my Provisions. My Bed was the
same dry Grass and Sea-weed which I intended for Fewel. I slept very little; for the Disquiets of my Mind prevailed over
my Wearyness, and kept me awake. I considered how impossible it was to preserve my Life, in so desolate a Place; and
how miserable my End must be. Yet I found my self so listless and desponding that I had not the Heart to rise; and
before I could get Spirits enough to creep out of my Cave, the Day was far advanced. I walked a while among the
Rocks, the Sky was perfectly clear, and the Sun so hot, that I was forced to turn my Face from it: When all of a Sudden
it became obscured, as I thought, in a Manner very different from what happens by the Interposition of a Cloud. I turned
back, and perceived a vast Opake Body between me and the Sun, moving forwards towards the Island: It seemed to be
about two Miles high, and hid the Sun six or seven Minutes, but I did not observe the Air to be much colder, or the Sky
more darkned, than if I had stood under the shade of a Mountain. As it approached nearer over the Place where I was,
it appeared to be a firm Substance, the Bottom flat, smooth, and shining very bright from the Reflexion of the Sea below.
I stood upon a Height about two Hundred Yards from the Shoar, and saw this vast Body descending almost to a Parallel
with me, at less than an English Mile Distance. I took out my Pocket-Perspective, and could plainly discover Numbers
of People moving up and down the Sides of it, which appeared to be sloping, but what those People were doing, I was
not able to distinguish.

The natural Love of Life gave me some inward Motions of Joy; and I was ready to entertain a Hope, that this Adventure
might some Way or other help to deliver me from the desolate Place and Condition I was in. But, at the same Time, the
Reader can hardly conceive my Astonishment, to behold an Island in the Air, inhabited by Men, who were able (as it
should seem) to raise or sink, or put it into a progressive Motion, as they pleased. But not being, at that Time, in a
Disposition to philosophise upon this Phaenomenon, I rather chose to observe what Course the Island would take;
because it seemed for a while to stand still. Yet, soon after it advanced nearer; and I could see the Sides of it,
encompassed with several Gradations of Galleries and Stairs, at certain Intervals, to descend from one to the other. In
the lowest Gallery, I beheld some People fishing with long Angling Rods, and others looking on. I waved my Cap, (for
my Hat was long since worn out,) and my Handkerchief towards the Island; and upon its nearer approach, I called and
shouted with the utmost Strength of my Voice; and then looking circumspectly, I beheld a Crowd gather to that Side
which was most in my View. I found by their pointing towards me and to each other, that they plainly discovered me,
although they made no Return to my Shouting. But I could see four or five Men running in great Haste up the Stairs to
the top of the Island, who then disappeared. I happened rightly to conjecture, that these were sent for Orders to some
Person in Authority upon this Occasion.

The Number of People increased; and in less than half an Hour the Island was moved and raised in such a Manner, that
the lowest Gallery appeared in a Parallel of less than an Hundred Yards Distance from the Height where I stood. I then
put my self into the most supplicating Postures, and spoke in the humblest Accent, but received no Answer. Those who
stood nearest over against me, seemed to be Persons of Distinction, as I supposed by their Habit. They conferred
earnestly with each other, looking often upon me. At length one of them called out in a clear, polite, smooth Dialect, not
unlike in Sound to the Italian; and therefore I returned an Answer in that Language, hoping at least that the Cadence
might be more agreeable to his Ears. Although neither of us understood the other, yet my Meaning was easily known, for
the People saw the Distress I was in.

They made Signs for me to come down from the Rock, and go towards the Shoar, which I accordingly did; and the
flying Island being raised to a convenient Height, the Verge directly over me, a Chain was let down from the lowest
Gallery, with a Seat fastned to the Bottom, to which I fixed my self, and was drawn up by Pullies.