FIRST PAPER Subject : 14711 - Hipertextos y Literatura - Grupo A
Student´s name : Nevado Llopis, Jorge
Title of the paper : " John Wyndham, a Science Fiction Writer"
Author or topic : Wyndham, John
Abstract : I'm going to talk about John Wyndham, one of the most important science fiction English writers.In my web-page you can find information about his life,his bibliography and an analysis of some of his most famous works. I have chosen it because I'm interested in the themes he talks about, like Third World War,life in Mars and some other all related to the science fiction, his main production.
Auto-evaluation: Notable
Academic year 2000/2001
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Jorge Nevado Llopis
Universitat de Valčncia Press-