On Cervantes


    This website is part of a greater homepage that is a database of a publishing company called Soseki. The publisher is named after the name of one of Japanfs most famous novelists of modern literature, Soseki Natsume. This page is just an abstract of an essay of a book that one could access by pressing on the link that takes us to a list of books catalogued by title. First we have to click on the initial letter of the book we are looking for from the links that are presented as a Japanese alphabet. Then, we will find the link of Cervantes, which is a chapter from a book of comparative literature essays written by Tadashi Oshima and which is titled gWestern Authors and Modern Japanese Literatureh.


    According to the abstract, this is an essay about an article written by Soseki Natsume were the author talks about gDon Quixoteh and makes several quotes from the Spanish novel. Oshima claims that Natsume read gDon Quixoteh in English and that most of the quotes do not correspond to the original novel in Spanish.


    The structure of the page is simple and plain, with the only purpose of being informative, practical and useful as a database oriented to researchers or potential buyers of the books.