Puentefuente: The Life of Miguel de Cervantes


    Again, we find ourselves in front of another interesting homepage, yet, not produced by an expert but by Terumi Oda, a Japanese woman who seems to have a great interest and knowledge about some aspects of the Japanese and Spanish culture. This site is a link that forms part of a bigger homepage named gPuentefuenteh.


    In its introduction the creator mentions that as we can see, the main page is divided in two sections, the Japanese and Spanish sections, each of them with different contents. The part written in Spanish is represented by a list of links that takes us to other pages, also created by Oda, all of them related to some items and subjects of the Japanese culture. The part written in English is also represented by some links that takes us to pages where Oda informs the Japanese readers about some Spanish topics, among which we find the link we selected, the one dealing with the life of Cervantes, together with another link, named gLos Platos de Cervantesh that introduces the Spanish typical meals as found within the novel of gDon Quixoteh.


    Technically the whole site is very simple, but also very neat, logical and easy to understand. At first sight the reader can understand the structure or the site map. The page related to Cervantesf life is very complete but also very long, so it is organized through and index at the top made of internal links that help the visitor to jump from one moment of Cervantesf life to another within the same page. Oda mentions that the life of Cervantes is as interesting as his main novel. For this reason she wants to offer a chance to the Japanese to get acquainted with it.


    Finally, as an anecdote, the author of the page explains at the introduction of the main page that she named the website gPuentefuenteh (bridge-source), because she wants the homepage to serve as a bridge that links the different cultural sources from the different countries.