Peter Howard M.A. (Oxon), C.Phys., M.Inst.P.
12 Butcher Close, Milton, Cambridge. CB4 6ED,

Born in Nottingham, UK in 1957. Childhood spent in Nottingham, London, Worcester. Educated at Royal Grammar School, Worcester and Hertford College, Oxford. Postgraduate Teaching Certificate from Worcester College of Higher Education. Taught Physics at Worcester Grammar School for Girls; became Senior Development Engineer at Irwin-Desman in Croydon (South London); currently Systems Design Consultant with Simoco Europe Ltd (formerly Philips Telecom - PMR) in Cambridge, designing radiocommunications systems. Married, no children.

Formerly secretary and magazine editor of the Poetry Special Interest Group of British Mensa. Has run hands-on workshop courses on Internet Literature and Poetry sites for Bedfordshire County Libraries. Currently a Section Leader on the CompuServe on-line Poetry Forum, with responsibility for the World Wide Web Poetry and No Holds Barred Workshop sections. Writes a quarterly Internet column for Poetry Review. Provides Internet consultancy for the Poetry Society, in connection with their Poetry on the Net project.
Achievements: Individual poems published in: Physics Bulletin; Vigil; Poetry Nottingham; Channel 4 TV; Outposts; Envoi; The Independent; Poetry Review; Bedford Writers Anthology; The Interpreter’s House; The Rialto; The Faber Book of Christmas; Orbis; several competition anthologies; several WWW sites.
Twice 2nd Prize-winner in Canterbury Festival Competition. Commendationsn in several competitions, including: Blue Nose Poets; LACE; Society of Women Writers and Journalists; Kent and Sussex; Jersey Eisteddfod; Ripley; Dulwich; Poetry Life.
Short Collection: Low Probability of Racoons, Envoi Poets Publications, 1994. 
Interests: Particular poetical interests are: the incorporation of science and technology as subject matter for poetry; the opportunities offered by the Internet and related technologies for expanding the horizons of poetry; getting my own full collection published.
Apart from poetry: photography, music, gardening.

Taken from: on 05/12/2008