Personal Conclusion:


I am satisfied about what I have been able to discover in this class, I do feel as if the doors of the future have been opened for me, I appreciate it a lot and I will surely keep working on the skills that have been introduced to me, although at the beginning, I was pretty upset to not know what the hell was going on. What is the teacher talking about? Am I still in the Philology University of Valencia-Narrative or did this whole class, tele-transport itself to Computing class?


Then little by little I started peeking in the hypertext world, helped (forced) by the teacher and then started wondering things like…Is hypertext literature technology or rhetoric? …Then I saw Peter Howard’s Rainbow Factory, and I was really interested. All these new questions, started popping in my head… How does it work? What kind of work is it? How do we know how to read it? Or where to go?


One thing was for sure I was going to continue exploring, motivated. This hypertext is one that I would recommend to people that does not know anything about hypertext literature, to hook them to it. It is simple and easy to read (watch) very attractive, because of the use of movement of animated graphics and sound incorporated to it, it makes the whole thing a game, really.


Many other styles of hypertext literature exist, and here is a link to a web page where you can get a quick overview of what is hypertext and hypermedia, and it’s different types of literature (fiction, poems, drama, autobiographies, etc) definitions, history and more.


I am surely going to read more hypertext stories, and you should too; take advantage of all the information, openly available to us.


Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Julia Valenzuela
Universitat de València Press