Martin Amis:

Book Reviews

This summer saw the release of Martin Amis´ memoirs Experience. Of course the critics came out in force and a large amount of literary criticism has since been published. Reading the memoirs was indeed a fantastic experience for me as I could be guided from Amis´ childhood to an adulthood memory via several author friends and social comments in a matter of a few paragraphs. His use of footnotes takes a while to become accustomed to but the reader soon realises that a great deal of wit and sharpness is revealed in these further explanations. Of the numerous reviews to be found on the web, I have chosen two which personally I found to be true and accurate to my my perception of this worthwhile and enlightening read:


Academic year 2000/2001
©  a.r.e.a./ Dr.Vincente Forés López
©  Laura Hollis
Universitat de València Press