First Paper

Subject: 14171 - Hipertextos y Literatura - Grupo B
Student´s Name: Hollis, Laura
Title of the paper: Martin Amis and The Rachel Papers
Author or topic: Amis, Martin
Abstract: A few years ago I came across Martin Amis` "The Rachel Papers" on a bookcase at home: a book based on the antics of "Charles Highway, a precociously intelligent and highly sexed teenager". The narrative proves to be within easy reach of the reader as Amis, or rather Highway uses wit, humour, crudeness and a pompous upbringing to explain his way through his mission "to Sleep with an Older Woman before he turns twenty".
"The Rachel Papers" proved to be an incredibly successful and promising launch to Martin Amis´ career, and as the first book that I had ever read by Amis certainly encouraged me to read on and indeed
research more about the man himself. I would like to share my findings with you.
Auto-evaluation:  Notable


Academic year 2000/2001
©  a.r.e.a./ Dr.Vincente Forés López
©  Laura Hollis
Universitat de València Press