Page Evaluation

In my first paper I said that I would set out to use the internet in order to search for information about Martin Amis, and then share my findings with the reader. For the past month two months I have been looking at sites and trying to obtain the permission of the authors to allow me to republish or include links on my web site to their existing pages, thus making the information available to a wider audience.

While I have been unable to receive permission from the authors of my favourite Martin Amis web sites to republish their pages so to bring them to the attention of an even wider audience, I have instead been able to create links to the majority of these pages and therefore in my work have attempted to organise and guide the reader through my findings.

With more time I would have liked to develop my web site further so to include a more detailed bibliography of Martin Amis´ works, and indeed maybe in the future I will have the opportunity to make some e-texts available, particularly to include The Rachel Papers as it was the launch to my interest in Martin Amis.

I have enjoyed very much producing my web site. I hope that others also have enjoyed reading the information and that it has been productive and of interest to anybody who may have accessed my pages. Finally I would to thank all those people who have published information about Martin Amis and therefore allowed to complete my work, and also Ben for putting himself out and printing off some material for me. You´re the best!

                        - Laura Hollis January 2001 -


Academic year 2000/2001
©  a.r.e.a./ Dr.Vincente Forés López
©  Laura Hollis
Universitat de València Press