Nombre: Leticia Badía Torrente
Edad: 21 años
Carrera: Filología Inglesa, 4º
Writing Folder 11
Really? That sucks!
Don’t get jammed, I was just joking!
I haven’t seen you in a minute! What’s up?
I see your hard work got you good results! I’m still unemployed and looking for a nine to five, but nothing comes up so I’m always bored shitless at home.
So now you dig folk music. That’s so antwacky!
I know about this all-nighter on the outskirts, it’s always crowded and full of girls, the drinks are cheap and the music is nice. Not sure about the folk, though, but I promise we’ll be raging all the weekend! Let’s go dance our ass off! You can drink however you want, but if you’re bladdered please don’t make an ass of yourself!
You can crash out at mine, we’ll hit the sack and have brekky in the morning. Or in the afternoon. Or whenever we wake up.
What? You’re asking me about the weather? Look it up on the net, you birdbrained! It’s blooming hot. You can walk around butt naked if you want.
Don’t think too hard about it. A bottle of alky will be fine, it knows no cultural boundaries!
Here are my two cents: don’t rely on public transport. I have my father’s old car, you can use it if you pay for the gas, of course!
Man, you’ve asked me arse loads of questions!
Give me a buzz to tell me when you’re coming.
© Leticia Badía Torrente desde 2009