Nombre: Leticia Badía Torrente
Edad: 21 años
Carrera: Filología Inglesa, 4º
Writing Folder 8
Every one of us held a meeting for discussing our views on the exchange programme and wrote a short list about the good and bad features and how the latter could be improved.
Everyone agreed that school was great fun. After-school activities were well received by all the students, and acommodation was rated very highly.
There were a few complaints about the trip, mainly about the journey, which students described as ‘a bit tiring’. A couple of students thought school was somewhat boring and easy. The only remarkable complaint about after-school activities was the lack of free time. Finally, some students were dissatisfied with the great distance they had to travel to school, the strictness of their host families and the inadequacy of food.
I’d suggest we looked for an easier mean of transport, as well as nearer accomodations. Host families could be instructed or given pamphlets as guidelines for the care of exchange students. Some after-school activities could be made optional so as to allow students more time on their own. Lastly, students could be split into two groups in order not to slow down advanced students’ learning.
© Leticia Badía Torrente desde 2009