Nombre: Leticia Badía Torrente
Edad: 21 años
Carrera: Filología Inglesa, 4º
Writing Folder 9
Yesterday I found my old Rammstein DVD, so I decided to give it a watch again. No wonder it’s my favourite concert, I found myself headbanging non-stop for three hours. The setlist included both ballads and their more aggressive songs. The crowd was on fire! Even though the concert was attended by more than 20,000 people, there were no incidents and everyone was shouting so much that I’m sure a large number shouted themselves hoarse. At the end of the concert, they were cheering for an encore, which the band members instantly agreed to and went back on the stage for a final song.
Oh, how I wish Mago de Oz concert at Valencia had been like that. It took place in a small pavilion not prepared for such kind of events. A cheap stage was placed in the middle and everyone was pushing the crowd trying to get to the first row. We were packed like sardines and the weather being so hot as to make everyone sweat didn’t do any good. Many people had to push all the way back to buy ridiculously overpriced drinks. Moreover, the concert started an hour and a half late. When the concert ended you could see some people puking in the corners, probably due to the mix of heat and alcohol.
If I get a job and earn enough money, I’d buy concert tickets for German or Japanese festivals, where the preparations are good and the crowd is more enthusiastic!
© Leticia Badía Torrente desde 2009