Nombre: Leticia Badía Torrente
Edad: 21 años
Carrera: Filología Inglesa, 4º
Digital Story Video
Group: Leticia Badía Torrente, José Ángel Baviera Mercader, Raul Gisbert Cantó, Christian Moreno Lence
Plot summary: A UFO is hit by an asteroid and crashes in Mestalla. Its passengers, confused by the surroundings, wander around the area and meet with four students by chance. The aliens are repelled by the students and return to Mestalla. The four students meet up and share their experiencies about encountering the aliens. Once finished with the explanations, the aliens contact the students by radio, and tell them that their ship has been stolen. The students and the aliens meet up at the college’s library and discover that their ship has been mistaken by a part of a Falla. Everyone goes to Plaza del Ayuntamiento and tries to reach the ship before it’s burn to ashes.
Me siento muy orgullosa de este modesto peliculón de serie Z :P
© Leticia Badía Torrente desde 2009