D.H. Lawrence

        David Herbert Lawrence (Nottinghamshire, 1885-Vence 1930), son of a miner. His first novels were "The white peacock" 1911 and "The trespasser"
1912  were very polemical because of the boldness of the author in the description of the physical love.From that moment the idea that the industrial civilisation of the modern world alters the life instincts, domided him. His works gives importance to the nature and the liverty of the sexual act. Still living in Great Britain, Lawrence
published "Sons and Lovers", 1913 and wrote "The rainbow", 1915, forbidden by the censure. In 1919 Lawrence left his country because he thought he could enjoy more liverty in other countries. He wrote "Aaron´s rod, 1922, Australia inspired him "Kangaroo", 1923, Mexico "The plumed serpent", 1926. He also lived in
Nuevo Mexico, but he came back to Florencia in order to write and publish "Lady Chatterley´s lover" 1928. He died of tuberculosis in France, however was buried
in Nuevo Mexico. Apart from his novels, he also wrote sixty-six short stories, narrations and four collections of poems.

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