Subject : # 14214 Narrativa anglesa des del segle XVIII  Grup A

Student´s name :  Català Català, Lucía


Title of the paper : "Research on Mary Wollstonecraft"                                                                                                                                     


Author or topic :  Wollstonecraft, Mary                                          



      ( image taken from: )


Abstract: I will be basing my first paper on Mary Wollstonecraft, an eighteenth-century British writer, philosopher and feminist, who was born in Spitalfields (London) 27 April 1759 and died 10 September 1797.

I have chosen this authoress in particular because I don’t know a lot of things of her and I believe it can be a good way of knowing more things about her. I will focus my work on the following aspects: chronologies related to Wollstonecraft, articles written about the author, where you will find some criticisms about her  philosophy of feminism, and some information about the authoress as the pioneer of women rights that I seem interesting. I have to say that I have had some difficulty on the research of chronologies related to Mary Wollstonecraft, because there are a big number of chronologies of her daughter (Mary Shelley), but there are few chronologies of this authoress.

I have been coordinated with Mónica Obiols Roca. If you are interested in knowing more about this authoress, I have included a link to her page where you can find more information about Mary Wollstonecraft.

Auto-evaluation: In order to construct my website, I have learnt many new computing skills and now, I have done more extensive analysis, of my chosen authoress,  than the first time. I have been working very hard to do this paper and for that reasons I think I deserve a good mark such as an eight.

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Academic year 2008/2009
 © a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
       © Lucía Català Català
     Universitat de València Press