In this essay we are going to talk about friendship, which is one of the topics that Shakespeare used in some of his plays. We are going to deal with it mainly through two plays Twelfth Night and the Merchant of Venice, and especially through two pairs of characters Sebastian and Antonio (TN) and Bassanio and Antonio (MV).


         We are going to see in what way Shakespeare shows us friendship and at the same time if it is the same kind of friendship which we observe in Twelfth Night and that in the Merchant of Venice.


         In my opinion friendship is one of the most important parts of our daily life. I think that most of us would consider friendship as a relationship in which you trust the other person, you help him/her if he needs it, always without expecting anything, i.e, there is no self-interest.


         Therefore, I wanted to know how friendship was presented by Shakespeare in some of his plays, but especially between men. Because for him it was also important, friendship was a virile quality of the Renaissance, it was even considered a long-standing convention of that period.



Comparison                                    Conclusion                          Bibliography                                   Papers