Student´s name: MªCarmen Dominguez Mas

Tittle of the paper: The childhood according to Dickens` novels

Author or topic: Charles Dickens

Abstract or summary of the research: This work consist on a general vision of the treatment of children in the last century  (bring up, education, etc) and how this treatment is reflected in Dickens` novels. To analize this aspect two Dickens` works have been mainly used, "Hard Times" and "Bleak House". Likewise this homepage will treat to analize the different environments that involved the children of different social status.
Furthermore this work is interesant to show the different aspects that involved the population in the Industrial Revolution and what it supposed to the modern Occidental society.

Auto-evaluation: notable

Academic year: 1999-2000

November, 29-1999

©English Literature II/Dr.Vicente Fores Lopez

©MªCarmen Dominguez Mas


Universitat de Valéncia Press

Updated on January 18th


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