18th Century England

Eighteenth century England came into this new century looking beyond its borders. Coming out of a period of civil strife, England now was ready to participate in international affairs. It was during this era that many changes occured in England and around the rest of the world that had a profound influence on the course of time. Such memorable events and trends of this era were the Enlightenment, the evolution of the empire, the American Revolution, the various wars, evangelical revivalism, and the French Revolution, which did not occur in England but its waves touched the shores of England. Despite the fact the century is marked by unforgetable conflicts, there were periods of relative peace and stability. It was also a period of reform for many Britons whose quality of life improved greatly. Most importantly, this was a time of great patriotism. Britons from all areas began to appreciate their mixed government and take pride in their country. Although the eighteenth century was one filled with turmoil, it helped lead England to the next century which was characterized by peace and stability.


Monarchies and Government

Class and Economy

Class Structure
Poor laws


Jonathan Swift
Mary Radcliffe
Maria Edgeworth
Women Writers

Culture and Science

Queen Anne Style
Issac Newton
TimelineLinks to Helpful Sources

© http://www2.cwrl.utexas.edu/~scoggins/britishprojects/eighteenth