“The Tyger”


by William Blake



“Ode to Nightingale”


by John Keats






Tyger, Tyger. burning bright,

In the forests of the night;

What immortal hand or eye.

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?


In what distant deeps or skies.

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?

What the hand, dare seize the fire?


And what shoulder, or what art,

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat.

What dread hand? & what dread feet?


What the hammer? What the chain,

In what furnace was thy brain?

What the anvil? what dread grasp.

Dare its deadly terrors clasp?


When the stars threw down their spears

And water'd heaven with their tears:

Did he smile his work to see?

Did he who made the Lamb make thee?


Tyger, Tyger burning bright,

In the forests of the night:

What immortal hand or eye,

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?








MY heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains

My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,

Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains

One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:

'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,

But being too happy in thine happiness,

That thou, light-wingèd Dryad of the trees,

In some melodious plot

Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,

Singest of summer in full-throated ease.


O for a draught of vintage! that hath been

Cool'd a long age in the deep-delvèd earth,

Tasting of Flora and the country-green,

Dance, and Provençal song, and sunburnt mirth!

O for a beaker full of the warm South!

Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,

With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,

And purple-stainèd mouth;

That I might drink, and leave the world unseen,

And with thee fade away into the forest dim:


Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget

What thou among the leaves hast never known,

The weariness, the fever, and the fret

Here, where men sit and hear each other groan;

Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last grey hairs,

Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies;

Where but to think is to be full of sorrow

And leaden-eyed despairs;

Where beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes,

Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow.


Away! away! for I will fly to thee,

Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards,

But on the viewless wings of Poesy,

Though the dull brain perplexes and retards:

Already with thee! tender is the night,

And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne,

Cluster'd around by all her starry Fays

But here there is no light,

Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown

Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.


I cannot see what flowers are at my feet,

Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs,

But, in embalmèd darkness, guess each sweet

Wherewith the seasonable month endows

The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild;

White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine;

Fast-fading violets cover'd up in leaves;

And mid-May's eldest child,

The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine,

The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.


Darkling I listen; and, for many a time

I have been half in love with easeful Death,

Call'd him soft names in many a musèd rhyme,

To take into the air my quiet breath;

Now more than ever seems it rich to die,

To cease upon the midnight with no pain,

While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad

In such an ecstasy!

Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain—

To thy high requiem become a sod.


Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!

No hungry generations tread thee down;

The voice I hear this passing night was heard

In ancient days by emperor and clown:

Perhaps the self-same song that found a path

Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,

She stood in tears amid the alien corn;

The same that ofttimes hath

Charm'd magic casements, opening on the foam

Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.


Forlorn! the very word is like a bell

To toll me back from thee to my sole self!

Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well

As she is famed to do, deceiving elf.

Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades

Past the near meadows, over the still stream,

Up the hill-side; and now 'tis buried deep

In the next valley-glades:

Was it a vision, or a waking dream?

Fled is that music:—do I wake or sleep?









First of all, this commentary is going to focus on two poems, the first work that I am going to treat is “The Tyger” by William Blake and the second is “Ode to Nightingale” by John Keats. These poems belong to Romanticism, since they are focused on the beauty of nature, an important theme in this period.


“The Tyger” seems on the surface to be about a person that wonders who was capable to create the tiger. By means of the title of the poem, “The Tyger”, the reader knows that it is going to be about something related with nature.


During the course of this poem we can see that most of the verses of the poem are questions. All of them together form a central idea, the motive why this poem was written.


William Blake opens the poem in the first stanza asking the tiger who has created it. In the second, third and fourth stanza, the author continues with his doubt. In the fifth stanza, the speaker asks the tiger if his creator felt good when he saw the beast that he had created and if he is the same one that created the lamb. The first animal refers to experience and the second refers to innocence. With the innocence William Blake shows the childhood and with the experience the adulthood. And finally, in the sixth stanza the speaker returns to his doubt.


The meaning in the poem is straightforward because while you are reading you can understand what the author is talking about and referring to. We can say that Blake does not use an elaborate language. The author dedicated the poem to nature, but he does not understand that our nature could be created by the same immoral person. The tiger represents evil and the lamb the good. The author transmits his doubt to the reader.


The poem is not autobiographical; William Blake is not telling a story about him, the author is asking a tiger.


The tone of the poem is soft, because in all the poem he is asking the tiger questions as if the speaker was sorry about the existence of this beast.


“The Tyger” is written in a six stanza structure, each stanza is four lines long and each line is composed by seven syllables. That is to say that the meter is regular. The rhyme scheme is also regular AABB during all the poem.


In the poem we can find some key images. The most important is the personification that the author gives to the animal, the tiger. We also could say that it is an allegory. The poet refers to the tiger as if it was a person and successively the speaker is asking its questions. It will be impossible that the animal answers them. Other key images are these personifications: “the stars threw down their spears” (line 17) and “water’d heaven with their tears” (line 18). Also in this poem we can see the pronoun “thee” (line 20) and the possessive adjective “thy” (lines 4,10,11,14 & 24), those forms are very common in poetry.


“Ode to Nightingale” seems on the surface to be about a person that is talking with a nightingale and he is expressing his feelings. Only by means of the title we know that the speaker refers to a nightingale, because during the course of the poem this name does not appear. We know that the author is going to talk about nature.


The author opens the first stanza when the speaker, who has taken a drug, not long ago, is addressing the nightingale, which is singing. In the second stanza, the speaker is expressing his wish for wine and after he finishes his works, he disappears with the nightingale “into the forest dim”. In the third stanza, the speaker is telling the nightingale that everyone dies, everyone is mortal. In the fourth stanza, the speaker tells the nightingale to fly and he will follow it through poetry. I the fifth stanza, the speaker says that he can not see what is at his feet and then talks about the beauty of summer. In the sixth stanza, while the speaker listens to the songs of the nightingale, he says that he does not fear death. I n the seventh stanza, the speaker tells the nightingale that it was not born for death. It is immortal (not like us) since its voice has been heard by all generations. In the eighth and last stanza, the speaker has had a warning to back to himself (to be alone) without the nightingale. But when the nightingale flies away he does not know if all that has been true or false.


We can see that the speaker has the nightingale as an idol because when he is with it, he feels good.


 The meaning in the poem is straightforward because while you are reading, you can understand what the author is telling. John Keats does not use an elaborate language.


The poem could be autobiographical, because Keats is telling a story that maybe could have happened to him. In the poem we can see the possessive pronoun “my” appears four times, the personal pronoun “I” appears nine times and the pronoun “me” once. All of these pronouns refer to the speaker in the poem; he is talking in first person.


The tone of the poem is wistful and sad since you think about the calm that is all around the world while the nightingale is singing.


“Ode to Nightingale” is written in an eight stanza structure, each stanza is ten lines long and each line is composed by ten syllables, except the eight line of each stanza that has six syllables. The rhyme scheme is regular, since it is ABABCDECDE during all the poem.


In the poem we can find an important key image, it is the personification that the author gives to the nightingale. The poet is talking with the bird as if it understood all that the speaker is saying.


These poems: “The Tyger” and “Ode to Nightingale!” refer to nature, as I have said some lines before. The poets of this period, the Romanticism, show us the beauty of the nature. Everything is beautiful, wonderful… and it transmits you peace and calm.


“The Tyger” is focused on why this evil exists in the world and “Ode to Nightingale” seems to be the good. Both animals are accepted because the world should have a variety of everything.


In the poems of this period, I think, that the personification of the animals is very common, as we can observe in these two poems.


The authors immerse the reader in the treated theme and at the same time the poem makes you think about what it is saying. They are beautiful, simple and especially they have a simple theme. There is nothing confusing or complex.



by Merce Quiralte Moragues.

(15 December 2005)
















- Poet/Artist: William Blake- Poertry and Drawing by William Blake, British Poet. Bill Murphy. © 1997-2006. Visited 12 December 2006.



- 624. Ode to a Nightingale. John Keats. The Oxford Book of English Verse. bartlebycom@aol.com. Visited 12 December 2006.






Academic year 2005/2006
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Merce Quiralte Moragues
Universitat de València Press