
    Author: William Shakespeare

Title: El Mercader de Venecia

Theatre company: Teatro Real Galo

Play’s director: Gustavo Galindo


-            Iván Luis (Antonio and Rajá de Maharashtra)                     www.elmundo.es/.../2006/12/24/teatro.html 30/10/07

-            Jesús Gago (Shylock)

-            Carlos Gracia (Bassanio)

-            Maria Muñoz (Portia)

-            Leticia Acón (Nerissa)

-            Guillermo Berasategui (Dux and Archuiduque del Turia)

Artistic and technical cast:

-            Gustavo Galindo (free version based on Jaime Clark translation)         30/10/07

-            Guillermo Berasategui (director’s assistant)                              www.loquesomos.org/.../laescena/laescena.htm

-            Miguel Gonzalez and Ivan Luis (lighting)

-            Teatro Galo Real (wardrobe and stage design)

-            Michelle Man (choreography)

Date and place of the representation: Teatro Victoria 20/10/07

Dramatis personae:


-            Antonio: This character was interpreted by a slim actor with curly hair. He uses all the time a black suit with a white shirt. He seems a weak character. His face was pale.

-            Raja de Maharashtra: This is a comical character. He dresses with light colours, and funny clothes. He speaks a bit strange and when he has to read the notes in the boxes he can not, he did in a funny way as he was a child that is learning. His servant is very funny too, he fight him. These two are very comical characters. When he enters in the Portia’s room he was dancing. He acts in a silly way with her, dancing and making jokes.

-            Shylock: This character is interpreted by a strapping man, he seems very serious and with bad tempered. He is Jewish and was resentful with Antonio. Always he was with a leather jacket.

-            Bassanio: This character is interpreted by a young man that was well dressed with a black suit when was with Antonio or Shylock and with a white suit when was with Portia. He is in love with Portia therefore he try to look a rich man but he is not a rich man and so he has to borrow money to Shylock, this is when the problems begin.

-            Portia: This character was a young woman but by her interpretation she seems to be a strong woman (with a strong character. She is dressed with a thin white dress. When she is with her servant she speak loudly as a Lord but when she is with her suitors she is sweet and docile.

-            Nerissa: She is in a part a comical character, when he is acting as a Portia’s servant. And in the other hand he make a solo singing a song in some scenes, as at the beginning of the plot. In some scenes she acts comically as when Portia’s suitors arrive to open a box she invites them in a comical voice. Also when the Archiduque del Turia has to read and can not do it, she read for him the note with a two-way.

-            Dux: I can not say so much about the actor that interprets this character because this wears a mask and a tunic. He was sitting on an imperial chair. He speaks with a low voice. He was very strict and severe.

-            Archiduque del Turia: This character was pedant and self-centred. He speaks a mixture between Spanish and Catalan. He speaks fanny and do not understand the note that he found in the box. Nerissa may read this note for him. He has a servant with him. These two were dressed as a member of the royal court.




There are two stages, one at the front and the other at the back, there are a stair that communicate one with the other because the stage at the front is much short than the other.
- The stage at the back:

At the beginning of the plot we can see it the back a stairs at the left and a trunk with a cloth at the right. In the middle at the front of the stage we see a small column with a chessboard that has some chess pieces.

When the suitors come to try their own luck the chessboard is on the other way round. Above the board we see three small trunks, one yellow (gold), one bright grey (silver) and the other dark grey (lead).

In the part that Bassanio went to help Antonio, the stage change. Then, we see the trunk closed with the stair behind and the cloth above the stairs and the trunk as a chair. The column with the board was at the back.

-            The stage at the front:

This part has no objects is a rectangle with nothing. This is where the men (Antoni, Bassanio and Shylock) argued about the money, it seams as it was Venice and the back stage was Belmont.


there was a very big change in the lighting at the beginning when Nerissa is singing her solo. Here there are no lights. Only there is a small light by which we can see the actress.  


All the character are dressed in a contemporaneous clothes. The difference between one and the other was the colours. The women were with light colours, as Bassanio when is in Belmont that dresses a white suit. While the men dressed dark clothes as Shylock that dress a black leader jacket.

The exception is Rajá that is dressed with fanny colours, as yellow, orange, green, and with, more or less, Arabic clothes.


Is very poor the atrezzo that they use. In the stage only have a column with a chessboard above, a trunk which have some books inside, a cloth with a bright colour and a stairs. Portia use a book that seems to be inside the trunks.

Theatre environment:

The day that I stayed in the theatre looking this comedy, we only have a bad commentary, which was a mobile phone rang.

But if we see the behaviour that have the people about the plot, I can say that the part of the two suitors everybody laugh, overcoat when spoke the Archiduque del Turia, that made a mixture between Spanish and Catalan. 

Critic opinion:


When I go to see this comedy, I have not read the Shakespeare’s one. So, when I go out only have a small idea about the real story. But when I finish the Shakespeare’s comedy I noticed the differences between one and the other. I read in the program that this is a free version, and it is, in the performance we can not find Jessica, Shylock’s daughter or Lorenzo who unleash Shylock’s anger. About the suitors we only find two on them, and these two have changed the names, maybe because these names where more funny. Although in the performance we can find some jokes that make Nerissa or Rajá that did not appear in the original.


In my opinion, this performance is maybe faced to people that can or can not read the original comedy but is they can understand the plot and when they go out the auditorium they can say that they know how is, more or less, The Merchant of Venice.






Academic year 2007/2008
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Carmen Mora Vives
Universitat de València Press