Tru gives herself fully, with an almost erotic generosity, an intensity of caring to put her gift where it is most needed. She teaches math to jr. high and high school students in a very poor, rural school where often the children don't stay because their parents are migrant workers. Every day she labors at countering their expectations - or the lack of them. She brings dreidls at Hannukah and African stone games at Kwaanza, looking for ways into ideas, ways to open the tight weave of what they know.

Tru is a gifter. It's the path on which she moves. Perhaps gift itself is a kind of movement, and woman its personification. Across boundaries of blood and geography, women link - not like
He Who Links People - no, keeping a list of generations isn't the same as moving to a new family and bringing the next generation into existence, is it? She moves, dancing, spinning, gardening, giving.







































Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Mar Andreu González

Universitat de Valčncia Press




























Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Mar Andreu González

Universitat de Valčncia Press