Mike Benedetti ->About the author























Michael Drew Benedetti was born in Glen Dale, West Virginia. After growing up in Oklahoma and West Virginia, he spent several years in Southern California, New Jersey, New York City, and Massachusetts.

In the summer of 2006, he will be living in South Bend, Indiana, sheltering the homeless and working for peace & justice. He is a web designer and Catholic Worker.

Mike has worked as a lifeguard (and swimming instructor), short order cook (made fries for Yevgeny Yevtushenko), programmer (C and perl), technical writer, software consultant, and baker.

Mike's interests include hiking, citizen journalism, movies, beer, and the works of mercy.

He is an Eagle Scout.

Mike's e-mail address: benedett@ugcs.caltech.edu
His website:



© http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~benedett/about.html


Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
©Marta Soler Gamero /marsoga@alumni.uv.es
Universitat de València Press