I got a $300 tip from a broker in the Swiss pit, and he said he could get me whatever else I wanted.
"I want a job as a pit clerk," I said.
The next week I had a job in the British Pound pit. I didn't know what firm I worked for, but I worked with a broker named George, and his clerk, Amy. George's badge was CNT, and everyone called him Cunt. Amy and I called him George. Amy gave me the deck. She said she was doing arb. I had no idea how the deck was organized, so she explained: The runners brought the orders from the phones to the pit. I filed the orders according to the price that activated them. Orders were either above or below the price trading. Every time a runner brought me an order, I filed it, or if it was close to the market, I gave it to George.
None of the runners knew who I was, so all day they gave our orders to other deck holders, and I had to argue with other brokers to get our orders back. The brokers ignored me, until Amy said that the firm we worked for would shoot out everyone's fucking windows if they didn't give back our orders. I laughed, and Amy said, "Don't laugh. It happened two months ago."
After the close, the Shearson desk manager wanted to know if we paid 40 for 10 lots, and George didn't know what they were talking about. I told Amy, and Amy said, "Gimme' the deck." I handed it to her, and she pulled out an order. "Here," she said. "You filed the Shearson order to buy 10 at 40 with the 90s. Now the market price is 80. So George has to pay 80 for 10, and he has to pay out of his own pocket the extra 40 points on each lot."
"Oh," I said.
"You don't get it, do you?"
"No. Sorry."
"You made a $40,000 error. "

He could get me whatever else I wanted”, and she asked for a job. Her image achieved it for her, its power to seduce. Although she has no idea of how does the stock market work, she has been delivered to the British Pound pit as a clerk. A certain rivalry came into surface between a companion of hers and she. Amy knows her job and instructs her, but internally scolds her for her way of getting the job.

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