Subject : # 14214   Narrativa Ingelsa del Siglo XVIII Grupo A


Student´s name : Vergara Martínez, María.

Title of the paper : Life and books about Charles Dickens.

Author or topic : Charles Dickens.




Image: Charles Dickens






Abstract : To do the first paper I have chosen the popular novelist Charles Dickens because, in my opinion, he is a great author who had a very interesting life, and it is reflected in his books. So, in this paper, I am going to treat the “Biography” and “Books written about the author”. In biography I will talk about Charles’ life: his personal and professional trajectory and relevant aspects that happened in his life. In “books written about the author” I will try to find references and tittles of books that had been written about him. Also, I will provide some interesting links of web sites about Charles Dickens.


Auto-evaluation: I have spent a lot of time learning how to do the web page and searching information and pages containing Charles Dickens’ biographies and the books that have been writing about the author. For this reason and as I think that the design of the page and the contents I have searched are correct, the mark I deserve would be a “Notable”.


Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© María Vergara Martínez
Universitat de València Press