Subject: 4596 Narrativa Inglesa II

Student´s name: Mª José Cuevas Molins

Title of the paper: Politics in Orwell

Author or topic:  George Orwell


     In this paper I am going to talk about the author George Orwell. He wrote a lot of plays and a lot of political essays as Animal Farm, A Clergyman´s Daughter, Homage to Catalonia… I would like to centre my paper on his political thoughts.One of the most important plays he wrote is Animal Farm,this book deals with the Russian Revolution, it is a satire on Stalinism and these Revolutions. He was considered as a socialist, and he was at the Spanish Civil War with the Republican forces, so we can observe a lot of social and satiric touches in his plays. I will define some of these political theories and I will try to link them with his books and essays.

Auto-evaluation: Notable

Academic Year 1999/2000
30 Noviembre 1999
©  a.r.e.a./ Dr. Vicente Forés López
© Mª José Cuevas Molins
Universitat de València press.