As a conclusion of this paper we can say that it is a very different novel because we can see many aspects of England and the Englishness and also we can see it from a femenine point of view, because of the fact that Martha Cochrane , in the novel, usually offers her opinion about different matters, mainly related to the question of England and its History and Culture.

On the other hand we can say that in the novel we observe that there is a game of intertextuality, because among other things, we find references to other texts.

The novel is not a deconstructive criticism about the nowadays England, but a constructive criticism.

It is also a very patriotic novel because we find expressions of this exacerbated nationalism in many of the characters that appear in the novel. as well as we can observe this in the list of topics that everybody considers to be completely English.

So this book it is primarily dedicated to the subject of Englishness. In any case, it is a book about England's relationship with the past, and especially with the process of creative and selective remembering that has been dubbed " the invention of tradition".

So , finally, we can see that also any English person can have a very negative opinion about their own nation, and it does not matter if other people are totally against tham, because their ideas are more important than the other's.