Subject : Narrativa Inglesa I – 4595 – Group A

Student´s name : Miguel Muñoz Grau

Title of the paper : Dracula´s  Interpretations 

Author or topic : Bram Stoker

Abstract :
    My work will deal on analyzing Bram Stoker´s Dracula interpretations based on four different works: introduction and notes by Juan Antonio Molina Foix (ed. Catedra, letras universales), introduction and notes by Maud Ellman (ed. Oxford University Press), Las raíces del miedo de Román Gubern & Joan Prat Carós (ed. Tusquets editors), Drácula de Transilvania a Hollywood de Roberto Cueto y Carlos Díaz (ed. Nuer), all about with a short biography & bibliography about the author.
    In the same way, I´ll provide you some more information to everyone who wants to know more about Bram Stoker and his famous book Dracula.



Academic year 1999/2000  29 Noviembre 1999
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Miguel Muñoz Grau
Universitat de València Press
Page maintained by Miguel Muñoz Grau
© Copyright 1999-2000 Miguel Muñoz Grau.
Created: 22/11/99 Updated: 22/11/99