1.that literature
is an institution, brought into being by legal, social and political processes;
2.that literature
is that which at the same time speaks the heart of the individual and which
shows how the
is made possible only by otherness, exteriority, institution, law, structures
and meanings outside
3.that literature
is both (simultaneously) a singular, unrepeatable event and a generalizable
experience, and
the tension/ antithesis between these -- as something which is original
is also of necessity not
or it could not have been thought.
It is possible
that texts which 'confess' the highly mediated nature of our experience,
texts which themselves
throw the reader into the
realm of complex, contested, symbolized, intertextual, interactive mediated
texts which therefore move
closer than usual to deconstructing themselves, are in a sense closer to
reality (that is,
the truth of our real experience)
than any other texts. This kind of text conforms to the kind of text known
'literature' -- most clearly,
to modernist literature, but to all texts which participate in one or more
of the ironic, the
playful, the explicitly intertextual,
the explicitly symbolizing -- from Renaissance love poetry to Milton to
Swift to
Fielding to Tennyson to Ondaatje.
Reading these texts in the
deconstructive mode is, however, not a matter of 'decoding the message';
it is a matter of
entering into the thoughtful
play of contradiction, multiple reference, and the ceaseless questioning
of conclusions
and responses. The less a
text deconstructs itself, the more we can and must deconstruct it, that
is, show the
structures of thought and
assumption which ground it and the exclusions which make its meaning possible.
If, as
Roman Jakobson suggests, a
mark of literature is that it draws attention to its textuality, its constructedness,
literature may be said to
be inherently closer to 'reality' than other forms of writing or discourse
are, just when it
seems to be furthest away,
as our 'reality' is symbolic, signified, constructed.
The particular
strategy of deconstructive reading is based on fissures in what we take
to be the common-sense
experience of texts and reality,
and on reversals, oppositions and exclusions that are lying in wait in,
or implicit
in, signification and textuality.
Take, for example, the sorts of conflict Jonathan Culler suggests in On
Deconstruction that the critic
is on the lookout for:
1.the asymetrical
opposition or value-laden hierarchy (e.g. host and parasite, logocentrism
and nihilism) in
one term is promoted at the expense of the other. The second term can be
shown to constitute or signal
condition for the first, and the hierarchy up-turned (this is not a simple
reversal, as the reversal is then in
condition of reversibility, and so forth).
2.points of condensation,
where a single term brings together different lines of argument or sets
of values (and
to hosts hosting the Host).
3.The text will
be examined for ways in which it suggests a difference from itself, interpretations
the apparently primary interpretation.
4.figures of self-reference,
when a text applies to something else a description, figure or image which
can be
as a self-description, an image of its own operations. This opens up an
examination of the stability and
of the text itself. An example of self-reference is in the vines and parasites
in place of the erased (,
under erasure) antique and learned imagery of Shelley's "Epipsychidion"
in Miller's "The Critic as Host,"
natural images themselves an image for and replacement for (every image
of is also a replacement for) the
of writing, which is itself the writing that constitutes the poem; the
images of the poem themselves
to naturalize what cannot be naturalized, writing itself, in a recuperation
in which the act of
reveals itself as an ancient strategy of meaning, so the imagery is an
image of itself.
readings of a texts can be see as reenactments of conflicts within a text,
so that readings can be
as partializing moves simplifying the complex interplay of potential meaning
within the text.
6.Attention to
the marginal, and that which supplements -- as with hierarchized oppositions,
the margin in fact
or enables the rest, so that a marginalized figure, idea, etc. can be re-read
as the 'center', or
element; similarly the supplement re-centers and re-orients that which
it supplements, as the fact
supplementing reveals the inadequacy, the partiality/incompleteness of
the supplemented item.
The deconstructive
activity is ceaseless. It can never be resolved in a dialectic (that is,
there is no synthesis), 1)
but is always reaching back
to a pattern of operations, antitheses, displacements and so forth, each
'behind', or
'before', or logically, ontologically,
referentially, hierarchically, temporally or semantically or etymologically,
etc, 'prior to' the other,
and 2) alternating between the poles of antitheses or opposite.
Like the
form of mathematics called topography, deconstruction studies surfaces,
as there are no depths,
however firmly we may think
we see them: there are only twists, (con)figurations, (re)visions.
Barbara Johnson on Derrida and deconstructive reading
from "On Writing" in Lentricchia and McLaughlin, eds, Critical Terms for Literary Study:
Just as Freud rendered dreams
and slips of the tongue readable rather than dismissing them as mere nonsense
error, so Derrida sees signifying
force in the gaps, margins, figures, echoes, digressions, discontinuities,
contradictions, and ambiguities
of a text. When one writes, one writes more than (or less than, or other
than) one
thinks. The reader's task
is to read what is written rather than simply attempt to intuit what might
have been meant.
The possibility of reading
materiality, silence, space, and conflict within texts has opened up extremely
ways of studying the politics
of language. If each text is seen as presenting a major claim that attempts
to dominate,
erase, or distort various
"other" claims (whose traces nevertheless remain detectable to a reader
who goes against
the grain of the dominant
claim), then "reading" is its extended sense is deeply involved in questions
of authority
and power. One field of conflict
and domination in discourse that has been fruitfully studied in this sense
is the
field of sexual politics.
Alice Jardine, in Gynesis (1985), points out that since logocentric logic
has been coded as
'male' the "other" logics
of spacing, ambiguity, figuration, and indirection are often coded as "female,"
and that a
critique of logocentrism can
enable a critique pf "phallocentrism" as well....
The writings of Western male
authorities have often encoded the silence, denigration, or idealization
not only of
women but also of other "others."
Said, in Orientalism (1978), analyzed the discursive fields of
scholarship, art, and politics
in which the "Oriental" is projected as the "other" of the European. By
against the grain of the writer's
intentions, he shows how European men of reason and benevolenced could
inscribe a rationale for oppression
and exploitation within their very discourse of Enlightenment.
by Professor John Lye
Last updated: November 3. 1997