Student´s name: Nerea de la Torre herrero

Title of the paper: Study of "Alice in Wonderland"
 Author or topic: Lewis Carroll
Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:
My project with revolve around the important figure of Lewis Carroll. In my opinion, this XIXth century writer is fascinating not just because of his biografy, but because of his literary works as well.
Despite his interesting life, I won´t study it deeply, just how influences on his work, because otherwiswe it would be a very eshaustive ans extense task of compilation. Therefore, I´ll focus my attention on one of his most famous books: "Alice in Wonderland". I´ve chosen it because it is his most important book, which shows us a perfect reflection of his society and literary style.
Within this project, I´ll point out some relevant aspects as:
- Complexity of the characters
- Confusion between fantasy and reality
- Reality from the point of view of a child´s hyperbolic fantasy
- Special treatment of the language

     Code: 4879

Academic year 1998/1999
12.Marzo 1999
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© nombre del alumno
Universitat de València Press