Student´s name: Nerea de la Torre Herrero

Title of the paper:  Different criticisms applied to Beckett´s narrative

Author or topic: Samuel Beckett

Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:
My purpose in this project is to make a right application of the arquetipic or myth criticism to Beckett´s trilogy.
According to my point of view, this is the most appropiated one in order to study the patterns the writer uses. It´s also important the effects and the reaction of the audience to them, since they are based on human feelings (desires, fears, passions, hates…).
I´m very interested in undestanding the internal mechanisms of his unconventional way of writing, as well as in trying to get the essence of the symbology of actions and the structure of words.
I´d like to add that I would also connect his literary work with the deconstructivist theory, seen in the special and relevant treatment of the language full of contradictions and paradoxes which surprises the audience.

     Code: 4595

Academic year 1998/1999
12.Marzo 1999
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© nombre del alumno
Universitat de València Press