Now it’s a time do summarize my work by writing what I found out. 


My hypothesis All the links given by author to read this text have a particular purpose is affirmative (taking into account only the valid links).






·       Sometimes, the author lets us the text and afterwards gives us opportunity to discover what is going on in different places at the same time by links. It’s very useful; it gives you the choice to read about something you liked most.


·       Some texts turn out in our helpers by giving us information about one particular thing or character within it and later, the same items appear in the links. It helps us not to misplace.


·       Some links bring us back to the place we departed from; making us understand that it is a wrong way.


·       At times, free choice is available. You click on the given links and they take you to the same place. The good thing is that this make us feel as a co-author and at the same time, author induces us where he wants.


·       Often only one link from several permits us to follow, so we won’t be lost.


·       Not all of the paths take us to the end. This supposes that we have chosen the wrong one.



         I would like to say that the author doesn’t follow only one particular structure or rule. For every page, he has something different.  For this reason, it takes time to adapt ourselves to the reading.

         A part from that, pages in progress confuses the reader very much, especially if he/she wants to analyze the tool used by author.


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