"TOWARDS midnight Mr. Venables entered my chamber; and, with calm audacity
preparing to go to bed, he bade me make haste, 'for that was the best place for
husbands and wives to end their differences. He had been drinking plentifully
to aid his courage.
"I did not at first deign to reply. But perceiving that he affected to
take my silence for consent, I told him that, 'If he would not go to another
bed, or allow me, I should sit up in my study all night.' He attempted to pull
me into the chamber, half joking. But I resisted; and, as he had determined not
to give me any reason for saying that he used violence, after a few more
efforts, he retired, cursing my obstinacy, to bed.
"I sat musing some time longer; then, throwing my cloak around me, prepared
for sleep on a sopha. And, so fortunate seemed my deliverance, so sacred the
pleasure of being thus wrapped up in myself, that I slept profoundly, and woke
with a mind composed to encounter the struggles of the day. Mr. Venables did
not wake till some hours after; and then he came to me half-dressed, yawning
and stretching, with haggard eyes, as if he scarcely recollected what had
passed the preceding evening. He fixed his eyes on me for a moment, then,
calling me a fool, asked 'How long I intended to continue this pretty farce?
For his part, he was devilish sick of it; but this was the plague of marrying
women who pretended to know something.'
"I made no other reply to this harangue, than to say, 'That he ought
to be glad to get rid of a woman so unfit to be his companion--and that any change
in my conduct would be mean dissimulation; for maturer reflection only gave the
sacred seal of reason to my first resolution.'
"He looked as if he could have stamped with impatience, at being
obliged to stifle his rage; but, conquering his anger (for weak people, whose passions
seem the most ungovernable, restrain them with the greatest ease, when they
have a sufficient motive), he exclaimed, 'Very pretty, upon my soul! very
pretty, theatrical flourishes! Pray, fair Roxana, stoop from your altitudes,
and remember that you are acting a part in real life.'
"He uttered this speech with a self-satisfied air, and went down
stairs to dress.
"In about an hour he came to me again; and in the same tone said,
'That he came as my gentleman-usher to hand me down to breakfast.
"'Of the black rod?' asked I.
"This question, and the tone in which I asked it, a little
disconcerted him. To say the truth, I now felt no resentment; my firm
resolution to free myself from my ignoble thraldom, had absorbed the various
emotions which, during six years, had racked my soul. The duty pointed out by
my principles seemed clear; and not one tender feeling intruded to make me
swerve: The dislike which my husband had inspired was strong; but it only led
me to wish to avoid, to wish to let him drop out of my memory; there was no
misery, no torture that I would not deliberately have chosen, rather than renew
my lease of servitude.
"During the breakfast, he attempted to reason with me on the folly of romantic
sentiments; for this was the indiscriminate epithet he gave to every mode of
conduct or thinking superior to his own. He asserted, 'that all the world were
governed by their own interest; those who pretended to be actuated by different
motives, were only deeper knaves, or fools crazed by books, who took for gospel
all the rodomontade nonsense written by men who knew nothing of the world. For
his part, he thanked God, he was no hypocrite; and, if he stretched a point sometimes,
it was always with an intention of paying every man his own.'
"He then artfully insinuated, 'that he daily expected a vessel to arrive,
a successful speculation, that would make him easy for the present, and that he
had several other schemes actually depending, that could not fail. He had no
doubt of becoming rich in a few years, though he had been thrown back by some
unlucky adventures at the setting out.'
"I mildly replied, 'That I wished he might not involve himself still deeper.'
"He had no notion that I was governed by a decision of judgment, not
to be compared with a mere spurt of resentment. He knew not what it was to feel
indignation against vice, and often boasted of his placable temper, and
readiness to forgive injuries. True; for he only considered the being deceived,
as an effort of skill he had not guarded against; and then, with a cant of
candour, would observe, 'that he did not know how he might himself have been
tempted to act in the same circumstances.' And, as his heart never opened to
friendship, it never was wounded by disappointment. Every new acquaintance he
protested, it is true, was 'the cleverest fellow in the world; and he really
thought so; till the novelty of his conversation or manners ceased to have any
effect on his sluggish spirits. His respect for rank or fortune was more
permanent, though he chanced to have no design of availing himself of the
influence of either to promote his own views.
"After a prefatory conversation,--my blood (I thought it had been cooler)
flushed over my whole countenance as he spoke--he alluded to my situation. He
desired me to reflect--'and act like a prudent woman, as the best proof of my
superior understanding; for he must own I had sense, did I know how to use it. I
was not,' he laid a stress on his words, 'without my passions; and a husband
was a convenient cloke.—He was liberal in his way of thinking; and why might
not we, like many other married people, who were above vulgar prejudices,
tacitly consent to let each other follow their own inclination?--He meant
nothing more, in the letter I made the ground of complaint; and the pleasure
which I seemed to take in Mr. S.'s company, led him to conclude, that he was
not disagreeable to me.'
"A clerk brought in the letters of the day, and I, as I often did,
while he was discussing subjects of business, went to the _piano_ _forte_, and began
to play a favourite air to restore myself, as it were, to nature, and drive the
sophisticated sentiments I had just been obliged to listen to, out of my soul.
"They had excited sensations similar to those I have felt, in viewing the
squalid inhabitants of some of the lanes and back streets of the metropolis,
mortified at being compelled to consider them as my fellow-creatures, as if an
ape had claimed kindred with me. Or, as when surrounded by a mephitical fog, I
have wished to have a volley of cannon fired, to clear the incumbered
atmosphere, and give me room to breathe and move.
"My spirits were all in arms, and I played a kind of extemporary prelude.
The cadence was probably wild and impassioned, while, lost in thought, I made
the sounds a kind of echo to my train of thinking.
"Pausing for a moment, I met Mr. Venables' eyes. He was observing me with
an air of conceited satisfaction, as much as to say--'My last insinuation has
done the business--she begins to know her own interest.'
Then gathering up his letters, he said, 'That he hoped he should hear no
more romantic stuff, well enough in a miss just come from boarding school;' and
went, as was his custom, to the counting-house. I still continued playing; and,
turning to a sprightly lesson, I executed it with uncommon vivacity. I heard
footsteps approach the door, and was soon convinced that Mr. Venables was
listening; the consciousness only gave more animation to my fingers. He went
down into the kitchen, and the cook, probably by his desire, came to me, to
know what I would please to order for dinner. Mr. Venables came into the parlour
again, with apparent carelessness. I perceived that the cunning man was overreaching
himself; and I gave my directions as usual, and left the room.
"While I was making some alteration in my dress, Mr. Venables peeped
in, and, begging my pardon for interrupting me, disappeared. I took up some work
(I could not read), and two or three messages were sent to me, probably for no
other purpose, but to enable Mr. Venables to ascertain what I was about.
"I listened whenever I heard the street-door open; at last I imagined
I could distinguish Mr. Venables' step, going out. I laid aside my work; my
heart palpitated; still I was afraid hastily to enquire; and I waited a long
half hour, before I ventured to ask the boy whether his master was in the
"Being answered in the negative, I bade him call me a coach, and collecting
a few necessaries hastily together, with a little parcel of letters and papers
which I had collected the preceding evening, I hurried into it, desiring the
coachman to drive to a distant part of the town.
"I almost feared that the coach would break down before I got out of
the street; and, when I turned the corner, I seemed to breathe a freer air. I
was ready to imagine that I was rising above the thick atmosphere of earth; or
I felt, as wearied souls might be supposed to feel on entering another state of
"I stopped at one or two stands of coaches to elude pursuit, and then drove
round the skirts of the town to seek for an obscure lodging, where I wished to
remain concealed, till I could avail myself of my uncle's protection. I had
resolved to assume my own name immediately, and openly to avow my
determination, without any formal vindication, the moment I had found a home,
in which I could rest free from the daily alarm of expecting to see Mr.
Venables enter.
"I looked at several lodgings; but finding that I could not, without a
reference to some acquaintance, who might inform my tyrant, get admittance into
a decent apartment--men have not all this trouble—I thought of a woman whom I
had assisted to furnish a little haberdasher's shop, and who I knew had a first
floor to let.
"I went to her, and though I could not persuade her, that the quarrel between
me and Mr. Venables would never be made up, still she agreed to conceal me for
the present; yet assuring me at the same time, shaking her head, that, when a
woman was once married, she must bear every thing. Her pale face, on which
appeared a thousand haggard lines and delving wrinkles, produced by what is
emphatically termed fretting, inforced her remark; and I had afterwards an
opportunity of observing the treatment she had to endure, which grizzled her
into patience. She toiled from morning till night; yet her husband would rob
the till, and take away the money reserved for paying bills; and, returning
home drunk, he would beat her if she chanced to offend him, though she had a child
at the breast.
"These scenes awoke me at night; and, in the morning, I heard her, as usual,
talk to her dear Johnny--he, forsooth, was her master; no slave in the West
Indies had one more despotic; but fortunately she was of the true Russian breed
of wives.
"My mind, during the few past days, seemed, as it were, disengaged
from my body; but, now the struggle was over, I felt very forcibly the effect which
perturbation of spirits produces on a woman in my situation.
"The apprehension of a miscarriage, obliged me to confine myself to my
apartment near a fortnight; but I wrote to my uncle's friend for money, promising
'to call on him, and explain my situation, when I was well enough to go out;
mean time I earnestly intreated him, not to mention my place of abode to any
one, lest my husband--such the law considered him--should disturb the mind he
could not conquer. I mentioned my intention of setting out for Lisbon, to claim
my uncle's protection, the moment my health would permit.'
"The tranquillity however, which I was recovering, was soon
interrupted. My landlady came up to me one day, with eyes swollen with weeping,
unable to utter what she was commanded to say. She declared, 'That she was never
so miserable in her life; that she must appear an ungrateful monster; and that
she would readily go down on her knees to me, to intreat me to forgive her, as
she had done to her husband to spare her the cruel task.' Sobs prevented her
from proceeding, or answering my impatient enquiries, to know what she meant.
"When she became a little more composed, she took a newspaper out of her
pocket, declaring, 'that her heart smote her, but what could she do?--she must
obey her husband.' I snatched the paper from her. An advertisement quickly met
my eye, purporting, that 'Maria Venables had, without any assignable cause,
absconded from her husband; and any person harbouring her, was menaced with the
utmost severity of the law.'
"Perfectly acquainted with Mr. Venables' meanness of soul, this step did
not excite my surprise, and scarcely my contempt. Resentment in my breast,
never survived love. I bade the poor woman, in a kind tone, wipe her eyes, and
request her husband to come up, and speak to me himself.
"My manner awed him. He respected a lady, though not a woman; and
began to mutter out an apology.
"'Mr. Venables was a rich gentleman; he wished to oblige me, but he
had suffered enough by the law already, to tremble at the thought; besides, for
certain, we should come together again, and then even I should not thank him
for being accessary to keeping us asunder.--A husband and wife were, God knows,
just as one,--and all would come round at last.' He uttered a drawling 'Hem!'
and then with an arch look, added--'Master might have had his little
frolics--but--Lord bless your heart!—men would be men while the world stands.'
"To argue with this privileged first-born of reason, I perceived,
would be vain. I therefore only requested him to let me remain another day at his
house, while I sought for a lodging; and not to inform Mr. Venables that I had
ever been sheltered there.
"He consented, because he had not the courage to refuse a person for whom
he had an habitual respect; but I heard the pent-up choler burst forth in
curses, when he met his wife, who was waiting impatiently at the foot of the
stairs, to know what effect my expostulations would have on him.
"Without wasting any time in the fruitless indulgence of vexation, I once
more set out in search of an abode in which I could hide myself for a few
"Agreeing to pay an exorbitant price, I hired an apartment, without
any reference being required relative to my character: indeed, a glance at my
shape seemed to say, that my motive for concealment was sufficiently obvious.
Thus was I obliged to shroud my head in infamy.
"To avoid all danger of detection--I use the appropriate word, my
child, for I was hunted out like a felon--I determined to take possession of my
new lodgings that very evening.
"I did not inform my landlady where I was going. I knew that she had a
sincere affection for me, and would willingly have run any risk to show her
gratitude; yet I was fully convinced, that a few kind words from Johnny would
have found the woman in her, and her dear benefactress, as she termed me in an
agony of tears, would have been sacrificed, to recompense her tyrant for
condescending to treat her like an equal. He could be kind-hearted, as she
expressed it, when he pleased. And this thawed sternness, contrasted with his
habitual brutality, was the more acceptable, and could not be purchased at too
dear a rate.
"The sight of the advertisement made me desirous of taking refuge with
my uncle, let what would be the consequence; and I repaired in a hackney coach
(afraid of meeting some person who might chance to know me, had I walked) to
the chambers of my uncle's friend.
"He received me with great politeness (my uncle had already
prepossessed him in my favour), and listened, with interest, to my explanation
of the motives which had induced me to fly from home, and skulk in obscurity, with
all the timidity of fear that ought only to be the companion of guilt. He
lamented, with rather more gallantry than, in my situation, I thought delicate,
that such a woman should be thrown away on a man insensible to the charms of
beauty or grace. He seemed at a loss what to advise me to do, to evade my
husband's search, without hastening to my uncle, whom, he hesitating said, I
might not find alive. He uttered this intelligence with visible regret;
requested me, at least, to wait for the arrival of the next packet; offered me
what money I wanted, and promised to visit me.
"He kept his word; still no letter arrived to put an end to my painful
state of suspense. I procured some books and music, to beguile the tedious
solitary days.
'Come, ever smiling Liberty,
'And with thee bring thy jocund
I sung--and sung till, saddened by the strain of joy, I bitterly lamented
the fate that deprived me of all social pleasure. Comparative liberty indeed I
had possessed myself of; but the jocund train lagged far behind!"