"ADDRESSING these memoirs to you, my child, uncertain whether I shall ever
have an opportunity of instructing you, many observations will probably flow
from my heart, which only a mother--a mother schooled in misery, could make.
"The tenderness of a father who knew the world, might be great; but could
it equal that of a mother--of a mother, labouring
under a portion of the misery, which the constitution of society seems to have
entailed on all her kind? It is, my child, my dearest daughter, only such a mother,
who will dare to break through all restraint to provide for your happiness--who
will voluntarily brave censure herself, to ward off sorrow from your bosom.
From my narrative, my dear girl, you may gather the instruction, the counsel,
which is meant rather to exercise than influence your mind.--Death may snatch
me from you, before you can weigh my advice, or enter into my reasoning: I
would then, with fond anxiety, lead you very early in life to form your grand
principle of action, to save you from the vain regret of having, through
irresolution, let the spring-tide of existence pass away, unimproved, unenjoyed.—Gain experience--ah! gain it--while experience
is worth having, and acquire sufficient fortitude to pursue your own happiness;
it includes your utility, by a direct path. What is wisdom too often, but the
owl of the goddess, who sits moping in a desolated heart; around me she
shrieks, but I would invite all the gay warblers of spring to nestle in your blooming
bosom.--Had I not wasted years in deliberating, after I ceased to doubt, how I
ought to have acted--I might now be useful and happy.--For my sake, warned by
my example, always appear what you are, and you will not pass through existence
without enjoying its genuine blessings, love and respect.
"Born in one of the most romantic parts of England, an enthusiastic fondness
for the varying charms of nature is the first sentiment I recollect; or rather
it was the first consciousness of pleasure that employed and formed my
"My father had been a captain of a man of war; but, disgusted with the
service, on account of the preferment of men whose chief merit was their family
connections or borough interest, he retired into the country; and, not knowing
what to do with himself--married. In his family, to regain his lost
consequence, he determined to keep up the same passive obedience, as in the
vessels in which he had commanded. His orders were not to be disputed; and the
whole house was expected to fly, at the word of command, as if to man the
shrouds, or mount aloft in an elemental strife, big with life or death. He was
to be instantaneously obeyed, especially by my mother, whom he very
benevolently married for love; but took care to remind her of the obligation,
when she dared, in the slightest instance, to question his absolute authority.
My eldest brother, it is true, as he grew up, was treated with more respect by my
father; and became in due form the deputy-tyrant of the house. The representative
of my father, a being privileged by nature--a boy, and the darling of my
mother, he did not fail to act like an heir apparent. Such indeed was my
mother's extravagant partiality, that, in comparison with her affection for
him, she might be said not to love the rest of her children. Yet none of the
children seemed to have so little affection for her. Extreme indulgence had
rendered him so selfish, that he only thought of himself; and from tormenting
insects and animals, he became the despot of his brothers, and still more of
his sisters.
"It is perhaps difficult to give you an idea of the petty cares which obscured
the morning of my life; continual restraint in the most trivial matters;
unconditional submission to orders, which, as a mere child, I soon discovered
to be unreasonable, because inconsistent and contradictory. Thus are we
destined to experience a mixture of bitterness, with the recollection of our most
innocent enjoyments.
"The circumstances which, during my childhood, occurred to fashion my mind,
were various; yet, as it would probably afford me more pleasure to revive the
fading remembrance of newborn delight, than you, my child, could feel in the
perusal, I will not entice you to stray with me into the verdant meadow, to
search for the flowers that youthful hopes scatter in every path; though, as I
write, I almost scent the fresh green of spring--of that spring which never
"I had two sisters, and one brother, younger than myself, my brother Robert
was two years older, and might truly be termed the idol of his parents, and the
torment of the rest of the family. Such indeed is the force of prejudice, that
what was called spirit and wit in him, was cruelly repressed as forwardness in
"My mother had an indolence of character, which prevented her from paying
much attention to our education. But the healthy breeze of a neighbouring heath, on which we bounded at pleasure,
volatilized the humours that improper food might have
generated. And to enjoy open air and freedom, was paradise, after the unnatural
restraint of our fireside, where we were often obliged to sit three or four
hours together, without daring to utter a word, when my father was out of humour, from want of employment, or of a variety of
boisterous amusement. I had however one advantage, an instructor, the brother
of my father, who, intended for the church, had of course received a liberal education.
But, becoming attached to a young lady of great beauty and large fortune, and
acquiring in the world some opinions not consonant with the profession for
which he was designed, he accepted, with the most sanguine expectations of
success, the offer of a nobleman to accompany him to India, as his confidential
"A correspondence was regularly kept up with the object of his affection;
and the intricacies of business, peculiarly wearisome to a man of a romantic
turn of mind, contributed, with a forced absence, to increase his attachment.
Every other passion was lost in this master-one, and only served to swell the
torrent. Her relations, such were his waking dreams, who had despised him,
would court in their turn his alliance, and all the blandishments of taste
would grace the triumph of love.--While he basked in the warm sunshine of love,
friendship also promised to shed its dewy freshness; for a friend, whom he
loved next to his mistress, was the confident, who forwarded the letters from
one to the other, to elude the observation of prying relations. A friend false in
similar circumstances, is, my dearest girl, an old tale; yet, let not this
example, or the frigid caution of coldblooded moralists, make you endeavour to stifle hopes, which are the buds that
naturally unfold themselves during the spring of life! Whilst your own heart is
sincere, always expect to meet one glowing with the same sentiments; for to fly
from pleasure, is not to avoid pain!
"My uncle realized, by good luck, rather than management, a handsome fortune;
and returning on the wings of love, lost in the most enchanting reveries, to
England, to share it with his mistress and his friend, he found them--united.
"There were some circumstances, not necessary for me to recite, which aggravated
the guilt of the friend beyond measure, and the deception, that had been
carried on to the last moment, was so base, it produced the most violent effect
on my uncle's health and spirits. His native country, the world! lately a
garden of blooming sweets, blasted by treachery, seemed changed into a parched
desert, the abode of hissing serpents. Disappointment rankled in his heart;
and, brooding over his wrongs, he was attacked by a raging fever, followed by a
derangement of mind, which only gave place to habitual melancholy, as he recovered
more strength of body.
"Declaring an intention never to marry, his relations were ever clustering
about him, paying the grossest adulation to a man, who, disgusted with mankind,
received them with scorn, or bitter sarcasms. Something in my countenance
pleased him, when I began to prattle. Since his return, he appeared dead to
affection; but I soon, by showing him innocent fondness, became a favourite; and endeavouring to
enlarge and strengthen my mind, I grew dear to him in proportion as I imbibed
his sentiments. He had a forcible manner of speaking, rendered more so by a
certain impressive wildness of look and gesture, calculated to engage the
attention of a young and ardent mind. It is not then surprising that I quickly
adopted his opinions in preference, and reverenced him as one of a superior
order of beings. He inculcated, with great warmth, self-respect, and a lofty
consciousness of acting right, independent of the censure or applause of the
world; nay, he almost taught me to brave, and even despise its censure, when
convinced of the rectitude of my own intentions.
"Endeavouring to prove to me that nothing
which deserved the name of love or friendship, existed in the world, he drew
such animated pictures of his own feelings, rendered permanent by
disappointment, as imprinted the sentiments strongly on my heart, and animated
my imagination. These remarks are necessary to elucidate some peculiarities in
my character, which by the world are indefinitely termed romantic.
"My uncle's increasing affection led him to visit me often. Still, unable
to rest in any place, he did not remain long in the country to soften domestic
tyranny; but he brought me books, for which I had a passion, and they conspired
with his conversation, to make me form an ideal picture of life. I shall pass
over the tyranny of my father, much as I suffered from it; but it is necessary
to notice, that it undermined my mother's health; and that her temper,
continually irritated by domestic bickering, became intolerably peevish.
"My eldest brother was articled to a neighbouring
attorney, the shrewdest, and, I may add, the most unprincipled man in that part
of the country. As my brother generally came home every Saturday, to astonish my
mother by exhibiting his attainments, he gradually assumed a right of directing
the whole family, not excepting my father. He seemed to take a peculiar
pleasure in tormenting and humbling me; and if I ever ventured to complain of
this treatment to either my father or mother, I was rudely rebuffed for presuming
to judge of the conduct of my eldest brother.
"About this period a merchant's family came to settle in our neighbourhood. A mansion-house in the village, lately
purchased, had been preparing the whole spring, and the sight of the costly
furniture, sent from London, had excited my mother's envy, and roused my
father's pride. My sensations were very different, and all of a pleasurable
kind. I longed to see new characters, to break the tedious monotony of my life;
and to find a friend, such as fancy had pourtrayed. I
cannot then describe the emotion I felt, the Sunday they made their appearance
at church. My eyes were rivetted on the pillar round
which I expected first to catch a glimpse of them, and darted forth to meet a
servant who hastily preceded a group of ladies, whose white robes and waving
plumes, seemed to stream along the gloomy aisle, diffusing the light, by which
I contemplated their figures.
"We visited them in form; and I quickly selected the eldest daughter for
my friend. The second son, George, paid me particular attention, and finding
his attainments and manners superior to those of the young men of the village,
I began to imagine him superior to the rest of mankind. Had my home been more
comfortable, or my previous acquaintance more numerous, I should not probably
have been so eager to open my heart to new affections.
"Mr. Venables, the merchant, had acquired a
large fortune by unremitting attention to business; but his health declining
rapidly, he was obliged to retire, before his son, George, had acquired
sufficient experience, to enable him to conduct their affairs on the same
prudential plan, his father had invariably pursued. Indeed, he had laboured to throw off his authority, having despised his
narrow plans and cautious speculation. The eldest son could not be prevailed on
to enter the firm; and, to oblige his wife, and have peace in the house, Mr. Venables had purchased a commission for him in the guards.
"I am now alluding to circumstances which came to my knowledge long after;
but it is necessary, my dearest child, that you should know the character of
your father, to prevent your despising your mother; the only parent inclined to
discharge a parent's duty. In London, George had acquired habits of
libertinism, which he carefully concealed from his father and his commercial
connections. The mask he wore, was so complete a covering of his real visage,
that the praise his father lavished on his conduct, and, poor mistaken man! on
his principles, contrasted with his brother's, rendered the notice he took of
me peculiarly flattering. Without any fixed design, as I am now convinced, he
continued to single me out at the dance, press my hand at parting, and utter
expressions of unmeaning passion, to which I gave a meaning naturally suggested
by the romantic turn of my thoughts. His stay in the country was short; his manners
did not entirely please me; but, when he left us, the colouring
of my picture became more vivid--Whither did not my imagination lead me? In
short, I fancied myself in love--in love with the disinterestedness, fortitude,
generosity, dignity, and humanity, with which I had invested the hero I dubbed.
A circumstance which soon after occurred, rendered all these virtues palpable.
[The incident is perhaps worth relating on other accounts, and therefore I
shall describe it distinctly.]
"I had a great affection for my nurse, old Mary, for whom I used often
to work, to spare her eyes. Mary had a younger sister, married to a sailor,
while she was suckling me; for my mother only suckled my eldest brother, which
might be the cause of her extraordinary partiality.
Peggy, Mary's sister, lived with her, till her husband, becoming a mate in
a West-Indian trader, got a little before-hand in the world. He wrote to his
wife from the first port in the Channel, after his most successful voyage, to
request her to come to London to meet him; he even wished her to determine on
living there for the future, to save him the trouble of coming to her the
moment he came on shore; and to turn a penny by keeping a green-stall. It was
too much to set out on a journey the moment he had finished a voyage, and fifty
miles by land, was worse than a thousand leagues by sea.
"She packed up her alls, and came to London--but did not meet honest Daniel.
A common misfortune prevented her, and the poor are bound to suffer for the
good of their country--he was pressed in the river—and never came on shore.
"Peggy was miserable in London, not knowing, as she said, 'the face of
any living soul.' Besides, her imagination had been employed, anticipating a
month or six weeks' happiness with her husband. Daniel was to have gone with
her to Sadler's Wells, and Westminster Abbey, and to many sights, which he knew
she never heard of in the country. Peggy too was thrifty, and how could she
manage to put his plan in execution alone? He had acquaintance; but she did not
know the very name of their places of abode. His letters were made up of--How
do you does, and God bless yous,--information was
reserved for the hour of meeting.
"She too had her portion of information, near at heart. Molly and
Jacky were grown such little darlings, she was almost angry that daddy did not see
their tricks. She had not half the pleasure she should have had from their
prattle, could she have recounted to him each night the pretty speeches of the
day. Some stories, however, were stored up--and Jacky could say papa with such
a sweet voice, it must delight his heart. Yet when she came, and found no
Daniel to greet her, when Jacky called papa, she wept, bidding 'God bless his
innocent soul, that did not know what sorrow was.'--But more sorrow was in
store for Peggy, innocent as she was.--Daniel was killed in the first
engagement, and then the papa was agony, sounding to the heart.
"She had lived sparingly on his wages, while there was any hope of his
return; but, that gone, she returned with a breaking heart to the country, to a
little market town, nearly three miles from our village. She did not like to go
to service, to be snubbed about, after being her own mistress. To put her
children out to nurse was impossible: how far would her wages go? and to send
them to her husband's parish, a distant one, was to lose her husband twice
"I had heard all from Mary, and made my uncle furnish a little cottage
for her, to enable her to sell--so sacred was poor Daniel's advice, now he was
dead and gone a little fruit, toys and cakes. The minding of the shop did not
require her whole time, nor even the keeping her children clean, and she loved
to see them clean; so she took in washing, and altogether made a shift to earn
bread for her children, still weeping for Daniel, when Jacky's arch looks made
her think of his father.—It was pleasant to work for her children.--'Yes; from
morning till night, could she have had a kiss from their father, God rest his
soul! Yes; had it pleased Providence to have let him come back without a leg or
an arm, it would have been the same thing to her--for she did not love him because
he maintained them--no; she had hands of her own.'
"The country people were honest, and Peggy left her linen out to dry very
late. A recruiting party, as she supposed, passing through, made free with a
large wash; for it was all swept away, including her own and her children's
little stock.
"This was a dreadful blow; two dozen of shirts, stocks and handkerchiefs.
She gave the money which she had laid by for half a year's rent, and promised
to pay two shillings a week till all was cleared; so she did not lose her
employment. This two shillings a week, and the buying a few necessaries for the
children, drove her so hard, that she had not a penny to pay her rent with,
when a twelvemonth's became due.
"She was now with Mary, and had just told her tale, which Mary
instantly repeated--it was intended for my ear. Many houses in this town, producing
a borough-interest, were included in the estate purchased by Mr. Venables, and the attorney with whom my brother lived, was
appointed his agent, to collect and raise the rents.
"He demanded Peggy's, and, in spite of her intreaties,
her poor goods had been seized and sold. So that she had not, and what was
worse her children 'for she had known sorrow enough,' a bed to lie on. She knew
that I was good-natured--right charitable, yet not liking to ask for more than
needs must, she scorned to petition while people could any how be made to wait.
But now, should she be turned out of doors, she must expect nothing less than
to lose all her customers, and then she must beg or starve--and what would
become of her children?--'had Daniel not been pressed--but God knows best--all
this could not have happened.'
"I had two mattresses on my bed; what did I want with two, when such a
worthy creature must lie on the ground? My mother would be angry, but I could
conceal it till my uncle came down; and then I would tell him all the whole
truth, and if he absolved me, heaven would.
"I begged the house-maid to come up stairs with me (servants always
feel for the distresses of poverty, and so would the rich if they knew what it
was). She assisted me to tie up the mattrass; I
discovering, at the same time, that one blanket would serve me till winter,
could I persuade my sister, who slept with me, to keep my secret. She entering
in the midst of the package, I gave her some new feathers, to silence her. We
got the mattrass down the back stairs, unperceived,
and I helped to carry it, taking with me all the money I had, and what I could
borrow from my sister.
"When I got to the cottage, Peggy declared that she would not take
what I had brought secretly; but, when, with all the eager eloquence inspired by
a decided purpose, I grasped her hand with weeping eyes, assuring her that my
uncle would screen me from blame, when he was once more in the country,
describing, at the same time, what she would suffer in parting with her
children, after keeping them so long from being thrown on the parish, she
reluctantly consented.
"My project of usefulness ended not here; I determined to speak to the
attorney; he frequently paid me compliments. His character did not intimidate
me; but, imagining that Peggy must be mistaken, and that no man could turn a
deaf ear to such a tale of complicated distress, I determined to walk to the
town with Mary the next morning, and request him to wait for the rent, and keep
my secret, till my uncle's return.
"My repose was sweet; and, waking with the first dawn of day, I
bounded to Mary's cottage. What charms do not a light heart spread over nature!
Every bird that twittered in a bush, every flower that enlivened the hedge,
seemed placed there to awaken me to rapture--yes; to rapture. The present
moment was full fraught with happiness; and on futurity I bestowed not a
thought, excepting to anticipate my success with the attorney.
"This man of the world, with rosy face and simpering features,
received me politely, nay kindly; listened with complacency to my remonstrances, though he scarcely heeded Mary's tears. I
did not then suspect, that my eloquence was in my complexion, the blush of
seventeen, or that, in a world where humanity to women is the characteristic of
advancing civilization, the beauty of a young girl was so much more interesting
than the distress of an old one. Pressing my hand, he promised to let Peggy
remain in the house as long as I wished.--I more than returned the pressure--I
was so grateful and so happy. Emboldened by my innocent warmth, he then kissed
me--and I did not draw back--I took it for a kiss of charity.
"Gay as a lark, I went to dine at Mr. Venables'.
I had previouslyobtained five shillings from my father,
towards re-clothing the poor children of my care, and prevailed on my mother to
take one of the girls into the house, whom I determined to teach to work and
"After dinner, when the younger part of the circle retired to the
music room, I recounted with energy my tale; that is, I mentioned Peggy's distress,
without hinting at the steps I had taken to relieve her. Miss Venables gave me half-a-crown; the heir five shillings; but
George sat unmoved. I was cruelly distressed by the disappointment--I scarcely could
remain on my chair; and, could I have got out of the room unperceived, I should
have flown home, as if to run away from myself. After several vain attempts to
rise, I leaned my head against the marble chimney-piece, and gazing on the
evergreens that filled the fire-place, moralized on the vanity of human
expectations; regardless of the company. I was roused by a gentle tap on my
shoulder from behind Charlotte's chair. I turned my head, and George slid a
guinea into my hand, putting his finger to his mouth, to enjoin me silence.
"What a revolution took place, not only in my train of thoughts, but feelings!
I trembled with emotion--now, indeed, I was in love. Such delicacy too, to
enhance his benevolence! I felt in my pocket every five minutes, only to feel
the guinea; and its magic touch invested my hero with more than mortal beauty.
My fancy had found a basis to erect its model of perfection on; and quickly
went to work, with all the happy credulity of youth, to consider that heart as
devoted to virtue, which had only obeyed a virtuous impulse. The bitter
experience was yet to come, that has taught me how very distinct are the
principles of virtue, from the casual feelings from which they germinate."