"I RESUME my pen to fly from thought. I was married; and we hastened
to London. I had purposed taking one of my sisters with me; for a strong motive
for marrying, was the desire of having a home at which I could receive them,
now their own grew so uncomfortable, as not to deserve the cheering
appellation. An objection was made to her accompanying me, that appeared
plausible; and I reluctantly acquiesced. I was however willingly allowed to
take with me Molly, poor Peggy's daughter. London and preferment, are ideas
commonly associated in the country; and, as blooming as May, she bade adieu to
Peggy with weeping eyes. I did not even feel hurt at the refusal in relation to
my sister, till hearing what my uncle had done for me, I had the simplicity to
request, speaking with warmth of their situation, that he would give them a
thousand pounds a-piece, which seemed to me but justice. He asked me, giving me
a kiss, 'If I had lost my senses?' I started back, as if I had found a wasp in
a rose-bush. I expostulated. He sneered: and the demon of discord entered our
paradise, to poison with his pestiferous breath every opening joy.
"I had sometimes observed defects in my husband's understanding; but, led
astray by a prevailing opinion, that goodness of disposition is of the first
importance in the relative situations of life, in proportion as I perceived the
narrowness of his understanding, fancy enlarged the boundary of his heart.
Fatal error! How quickly is the so much vaunted milkiness of nature turned into
gall, by an intercourse with the world, if more generous juices do not sustain
the vital source of virtue!
"One trait in my character was extreme credulity; but, when my eyes were
once opened, I saw but too clearly all I had before overlooked. My husband was
sunk in my esteem; still there are youthful emotions, which, for a while, fill
up the chasm of love and friendship. Besides, it required some time to enable
me to see his whole character in a just light, or rather to allow it to become
fixed. While circumstances were ripening my faculties, and cultivating my
taste, commerce and gross relaxations were shutting his against any possibility
of improvement, till, by stifling every spark of virtue in himself, he began to
imagine that it no where existed.
"Do not let me lead you astray, my child, I do not mean to assert,
that any human being is entirely incapable of feeling the generous emotions, which
are the foundation of every true principle of virtue; but they are frequently,
I fear, so feeble, that, like the inflammable quality which more or less lurks
in all bodies, they often lie for ever dormant; the circumstances never
occurring, necessary to call them into action.
"I discovered however by chance, that, in consequence of some losses
in trade, the natural effect of his gambling desire to start suddenly into riches,
the five thousand pounds given me by my uncle, had been paid very opportunely.
This discovery, strange as you may think the assertion, gave me pleasure; my
husband's embarrassments endeared him to me. I was glad to find an excuse for
his conduct to my sisters, and my mind became calmer.
"My uncle introduced me to some literary society; and the theatres
were a never-failing source of amusement to me. My delighted eye followed Mrs.
Siddons, when, with dignified delicacy, she played Califta; and I involuntarily
repeated after her, in the same tone, and with a long-drawn sigh,
'Hearts like our's were pair'd--not match'd.'
"These were, at first, spontaneous emotions, though, becoming
acquainted with men of wit and polished manners, I could not sometimes help regretting
my early marriage; and that, in my haste to escape from a temporary dependence,
and expand my newly fledged wings, in an unknown sky, I had been caught in a trap,
and caged for life. Still the novelty of London, and the attentive fondness of
my husband, for he had some personal regard for me, made several months glide
away. Yet, not forgetting the situation of my sisters, who were still very
young, I prevailed on my uncle to settle a thousand pounds on each; and to
place them in a school near town, where I could frequently visit, as well as have
them at home with me.
"I now tried to improve my husband's taste, but we had few subjects in
common; indeed he soon appeared to have little relish for my society, unless he
was hinting to me the use he could make of my uncle's wealth. When we had
company, I was disgusted by an ostentatious display of riches, and I have often
quitted the room, to avoid listening to exaggerated tales of money obtained by
lucky hits.
"With all my attention and affectionate interest, I perceived that I could
not become the friend or confident of my husband. Every thing I learned
relative to his affairs I gathered up by accident; and I vainly endeavoured to
establish, at our fire-side, that social converse, which often renders people
of different characters dear to each other. Returning from the theatre, or any
amusing party, I frequently began to relate what I had seen and highly
relished; but with sullen taciturnity he soon silenced me. I seemed therefore
gradually to lose, in his society, the soul, the energies of which had just
been in action. To such a degree, in fact, did his cold, reserved manner affect
me, that, after spending some days with him alone, I have imagined myself the
most stupid creature in the world, till the abilities of some casual visitor convinced
me that I had some dormant animation, and sentiments above the dust in which I
had been groveling. The very countenance of my husband changed; his complexion
became sallow, and all the charms of youth were vanishing with its vivacity.
"I give you one view of the subject; but these experiments and alterations
took up the space of five years; during which period, I had most reluctantly
extorted several sums from my uncle, to save my husband, to use his own words,
from destruction. At first it was to prevent bills being noted, to the injury
of his credit; then to bail him; and afterwards to prevent an execution from
entering the house. I began at last to conclude, that he would have made more
exertions of his own to extricate himself, had he not relied on mine, cruel as
was the task he imposed on me; and I firmly determined that I would make use ofno
more pretexts.
"From the moment I pronounced this determination, indifference on hispart
was changed into rudeness, or something worse.
"He now seldom dined at home, and continually returned at a late hour,
drunk, to bed. I retired to another apartment; I was glad, I own, to escape from
his; for personal intimacy without affection, seemed, to me the most degrading,
as well as the most painful state in which a woman of any taste, not to speak
of the peculiar delicacy of fostered sensibility, could be placed. But my
husband's fondness for women was of the grossest kind, and imagination was so
wholly out of the question, as to render his indulgences of this sort entirely
promiscuous, and of the most brutal nature. My health suffered, before my heart
was entirely estranged by the loathsome information; could I then have returned
to his sullied arms, but as a victim to the prejudices of mankind, who have made
women the property of their husbands? I discovered even, by his conversation,
when intoxicated that his favourites were wantons of the lowest class, who
could by their vulgar, indecent mirth, which he called nature, rouse his
sluggish spirits. Meretricious ornaments and manners were necessary to attract
his attention. He seldom looked twice at a modest woman, and sat silent in
their company; and the charms of youth and beauty had not the slightest effect
on his senses, unless the possessors were initiated in vice. His intimacy with
profligate women, and his habits of thinking, gave him a contempt for female
endowments; and he would repeat, when wine had loosed his tongue, most of the common-place
sarcasms levelled at them, by men who do not allow them to have minds, because
mind would be an impediment to gross enjoyment. Men who are inferior to their
fellow men, are always most anxious to establish their superiority over women.
But where are these reflections leading me?
"Women who have lost their husband's affection, are justly reproved
for neglecting their persons, and not taking the same pains to keep, as to gain
a heart; but who thinks of giving the same advice to men, though women are
continually stigmatized for being attached to fops; and from the nature of
their education, are more susceptible of disgust? Yet why a woman should be
expected to endure a sloven, with more patience than a man, and magnanimously
to govern herself, I cannot conceive; unless it be supposed arrogant in her to
look for respect as well as a maintenance. It is not easy to be pleased,
because, after promising to love, in different circumstances, we are told that
it is our duty. I cannot, I am sure (though, when attending the sick, I never
felt disgust) forget my own sensations, when rising with health and spirit, and
after scenting the sweet morning, I have met my husband at the breakfast table.
The active attention I had been giving to domestic regulations, which were
generally settled before he rose, or a walk, gave a glow to my countenance,
that contrasted with his squallid appearance. The squeamishness of stomach
alone, produced by the last night's intemperance, which he took no pains to
conceal, destroyed my appetite. I think I now see him lolling in an arm-chair,
in a dirty powdering gown, soiled linen, ungartered stockings, and tangled
hair, yawning and stretching himself. The newspaper was immediately called for,
if not brought in on the tea-board, from which he would scarcely lift his eyes
while I poured out the tea, excepting to ask for some brandy to put into it, or
to declare that he could not eat. In answer to any question, in his best
humour, it was a drawling 'What do you say, child?' But if I demanded money for
the house expences, which I put off till the last moment, his customary reply,
often prefaced with an oath, was, 'Do you think me, madam, made of money?'--The
butcher, the baker, must wait; and, what was worse, I was often obliged to
witness his surly dismission of tradesmen, who were in want of their money, and
whom I sometimes paid with the presents my uncle gave me for my own use.
"At this juncture my father's mistress, by terrifying his conscience, prevailed
on him to marry her; he was already become a methodist; and my brother, who now
practised for himself, had discovered a flaw in the settlement made on my
mother's children, which set it aside, and he allowed my father, whose distress
made him submit to any thing, a tithe of his own, or rather our fortune.
"My sisters had left school, but were unable to endure home, which my father's
wife rendered as disagreeable as possible, to get rid of girls whom she
regarded as spies on her conduct. They were accomplished, yet you can (may you
never be reduced to the same destitute state!) scarcely conceive the trouble I
had to place them in the situation of governesses, the only one in which even a
well-educated woman, with more than ordinary talents, can struggle for a
subsistence; and even this is a dependence next to menial. Is it then
surprising, that so many forlorn women, with human passions and feelings, take
refuge in infamy? Alone in large mansions, I say alone, because they had no
companions with whom they could converse on equal terms, or from whom they
could expect the endearments of affection, they grew melancholy, and the sound
of joy made them sad; and the youngest, having a more delicate frame, fell into
a decline. It was with great difficulty that I, who now almost supported the
house by loans from my uncle, could prevail on the _master_ of it, to allow her
a room to die in. I watched her sick bed for some months, and then closed her
eyes, gentle spirit! for ever. She was pretty, with very engaging manners; yet
had never an opportunity to marry, excepting to a very old man. She had
abilities sufficient to have shone in any profession, had there been any
professions for women, though she shrunk at the name of milliner or
mantua-maker as degrading to a gentlewoman. I would not term this feeling false
pride to any one but you, my child, whom I fondly hope to see (yes; I will
indulge the hope for a moment!) possessed of that energy of character which
gives dignity to any station; and with that clear, firm spirit that will enable
you to choose a situation for yourself, or submit to be classed in the lowest,
if it be the only one in which you can be the mistress of your own actions.
"Soon after the death of my sister, an incident occurred, to prove to me
that the heart of a libertine is dead to natural affection; and to convince me,
that the being who has appeared all tenderness, to gratify a selfish passion,
is as regardless of the innocent fruit of it, as of the object, when the fit is
over. I had casually observed an old, meanlooking woman, who called on my
husband every two or three months to receive some money. One day entering the
passage of his little counting-house, as she was going out, I heard her say,
'The child is very weak; she cannot live long, she will soon die out of your
way, so you need not grudge her a little physic.'
"'So much the better,' he replied,' and pray mind your own business, good
"I was struck by his unfeeling, inhuman tone of voice, and drew back, determined
when the woman came again, to try to speak to her, not out of curiosity, I had
heard enough, but with the hope of being useful to a poor, outcast girl.
"A month or two elapsed before I saw this woman again; and then she
had a child in her hand that tottered along, scarcely able to sustain her own
weight. They were going away, to return at the hour Mr. Venables was expected;
he was now from home. I desired the woman to walk into the parlour. She
hesitated, yet obeyed. I assured her that I should not mention tomy husband
(the word seemed to weigh on my respiration), that I had seen her, or his
child. The woman stared at me with astonishment; and I turned my eyes on the
squalid object [that accompanied her.] She could hardly support herself, her
complexion was sallow, and her eyes inflamed, with an indescribable look of
cunning, mixed with the wrinkles produced by the peevishness of pain.
"Poor child!' I exclaimed. 'Ah! you may well say poor child,' replied the
woman. 'I brought her here to see whether he would have the heart to look at
her, and not get some advice. I do not know what they deserve who nursed her.
Why, her legs bent under her like a bow when she came to me, and she has never
been well since; but, if they were no better paid than I am, it is not to be
wondered at, sure enough.'
"On further enquiry I was informed, that this miserable spectacle was the
daughter of a servant, a country girl, who caught Mr. Venables' eye, and whom
he seduced. On his marriage he sent her away, her situation being too visible.
After her delivery, she was thrown on the town; and died in an hospital within
the year. The babe was sent to a parish-nurse, and afterwards to this woman,
who did not seem much better; but what was to be expected from such a close
bargain? She was only paid three shillings a week for board and washing.
"The woman begged me to give her some old clothes for the child, assuring
me, that she was almost afraid to ask master for money to buy even a pair of
"I grew sick at heart. And, fearing Mr. Venables might enter, and oblige
me to express my abhorrence, I hastily enquired where she lived, promised to
pay her two shillings a week more, and to call on her in a day or two; putting
a trifle into her hand as a proof of my good intention.
"If the state of this child affected me, what were my feelings at a discovery
I made respecting Peggy--?"*
* The manuscript is imperfect here.
An episode seems to have been intended, which was never committed to
paper EDITOR. [Godwin's note]