Student´s name: Patricia Castellano Siscar

Title of the paper: The life and Works of Henry Fielding.

Author or topic: Henry Fielding

Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max. 150 words:
In this paper I am going to talk about an important British writer of the 18th Century: Henry Fielding.
First of all I will point out some aspects of his biography that had influenced on his work. I will refer to his works on Literature as a novelist, having a detailed look on his most important novel: Tom Jones.
Finally I will talk about his job as a journalist and playwriter; and I will try to make a chronology of all his novels.
To complete this work, I would like to relate him to some other authors such as his contemporanious, Samuel Richardson, with whom he stablished the novel as a gender in the English literature.
I will also mention his inflences on Dickens or other novelists of the Victorian period.

Auto-evaluation: With this work I will try to get a good mark

Academic year: 1999/2000

29 Noviembre1999

© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López

© Patricia Castellano Siscar

Universitat de València Press

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