Student´s name: Patricia Castellano Síscar

Title of the paper: The Structuralism

Author or topic: The Structuralism

Abstract or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max.150 words:

In this work I am going to talk about a literary trend appeared in the twentieth century: The Structuralism, trying to explain carefully the most important points which characterize this movement. During the development of this work, I will try to complete it bearing in mind generally some of the more distinguished works which are in this trend. I will talk about the principal author of the movement: F. de Saussure, this is because the movement begins with his ideas. I will also bear in mind the different schools in the trend that have developed all around the continent of Europe: Prague, Copenhagen and Geneva.

Finally I will talk about the influence of the Structuralism in other human and social sciences such as Anthropology, Psychoanalysis and in the literary analysis.

Academic year 1998/1999

12.Marzo 1999

© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López

© nombre del alumno Patricia Castellano Síscar

Universitat de València Press

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