inglesa II
Student's name: Patricia Gambín Mocholí
Title of the
paper: Pamela vs Shamela
Author or topic: Samuel Richardson
or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max. 150
words: The purpose of this work is to compare
both Pamela and Shamela novels. Pamela was
written by Samuel Richardson in 1741 and it's the first book
written in an epistolar way. He devoted to write letters for
other people and his friends proposed him to write a book with
all those letters as guide for young people. The result of that
suggestion was Pamela, a novel that shows us the
recompensed virtue. Shamela was written by Henry Fielding
in 1741 in opposition to Pamela. Henry Fielding thought
that Pamela was not as good as she seemed, so Shamela
shows us a girl who uses her virtues for ascending in society.
Autoevaluation: Excellent.
4879 Literatura inglesa II 1999-2000
Octubre - 1999
© a.r.e.a. / Dr. Vicente Forés López
© Patricia Gambín Mocholí
Universitat de
Valčncia Press
Page maintained by Patricia Gambín Mocholí
© Copyright 1999/2000 Patricia Gambín Mocholí