Narrativa en
lengua inglesa I
Student's name: Patricia Gambín Mocholí
Title of the
paper:Alice in Wonderland
Author or topic: Lewis Carroll
or summary of the research in not more than 100 to max. 150
words: Alice's
stories were wrote in 1862 by Carroll Lewis (pseudonimous of
Charles Ludwing Dodgson) for Alice Liddell, Henry George
Liddell's daughter, Christ Church's dean. After their publication
the tales were famous as children's books. Alice were the first
character from children literature who glimpsed hypocrisy and
presumptuousity from adults' world. The attraction of these tales
for adults lies in the mix of phantasy and reality, soft satire,
absurdity and logic. Therefore, the purpose of this research is
to study the novel itself and its different influences in both,
children and adults.
Autoevaluation: Excellent.
4595 Narrativa en lengua inglesa I 1999-2000
Octubre - 1999
© a.r.e.a. / Dr. Vicente Forés López
© Patricia Gambín Mocholí
Universitat de
Valčncia Press
Page maintained by Patricia Gambín Mocholí
© Copyright 1999/2000 Patricia Gambín Mocholí