First Paper

Students Name: Pablo García López

Subject: Hipertextos y Literatura

Title of the Paper: Jane Austen: Do her Works Embrace a Certain Family Archetype?

Author or Topic: Jane Austen

Abstract: It is without discussion that Family as such plays a relevant role in Austen's pieces of work. Precisely because of this importance, it may very well be a valuable source in exploring the characterising features of the late 18th century families and their relation to the surrounding historical events. This paper looks into the existence of an archetypical family in Austen's stories (the so-called "hibrid variety" family, resulting of first and second marriages, with step-parents and step-brothers and sisters) so as to put it in relation to the predominant social structure in the years when the stories take place. In so doing, the bibliografical experiences of the author herself cannot be neglected. Finally, this research project will also attempt to deal with some aspects of the translations of Jane Austen's works.

Autoevaluation: 7

© Pablo García López

Academic Year 2000/2001

Universitat de València Press

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