Selective Bibliography

The standard edition of Jane Austen's works was edited byR.W. Chapman and first published in 1923, reprinted with minor revisions in the 20's and 30's. The Minor Works appeared in 1954. In 1965-67 the edition was further revised (the novels by Mary Lascelles and the minor works by Brian Southam) to become the Oxford Illustrated edition (the World Classics edition is derived from this). Penguin also publishes footnoted editions of the novels; Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon edited by Margaret Drabble; and The Juvenilia of Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë edited by Frances Beer. The most recent edition of the Juvenilia is Catharine and other Writings, edited by Margaret Anne Doody and Douglas Murray (Oxford, 1993). A few additional poems have been collected in Jane Austen: Collected Poems and Verse of the Austen Family, edited by David Selwyn (Fyfield, 1996).

Here is a selective bibliography on Jane Austen:

Actualizado: Pablo García López.