Selective Bibliography
The standard edition of Jane Austen's works was edited byR.W.
Chapman and first published in 1923, reprinted with minor revisions in
the 20's and 30's. The
Works appeared in 1954. In 1965-67 the edition was further revised
(the novels
by Mary Lascelles and the
works by Brian Southam) to become the Oxford Illustrated edition (the
World Classics edition is derived from this). Penguin also publishes footnoted
editions of the novels; Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon edited
by Margaret Drabble; and The Juvenilia of Jane Austen and Charlotte
Brontë edited by Frances Beer. The most recent edition of the
Juvenilia is
Catharine and other Writings, edited by Margaret Anne
Doody and Douglas Murray (Oxford, 1993). A few additional poems have been
collected in Jane Austen: Collected Poems and Verse of the Austen Family,
edited by David Selwyn (Fyfield, 1996).
Here is a selective bibliography on Jane Austen:
James Edward. A Memoir of Jane Austen, Richard Bentley (1870)
[reprinted in the back of the Penguin edition of
some excerpts from
the Memoir on-line.].
Austen-Leigh, William and Richard Arthur. Jane Austen, Her Life and
Letters: A Family Record, (1913).
Austen-Leigh, William and Richard Arthur; revised
and enlarged by Dierdre Le Faye. Jane Austen: A Family Record, The
British Library (1989).
Bradbrook, F.W. Jane Austen and her Predecessors, Cambridge University
Press (1966).
Burrows, John. Computation into Criticism: A Study
of Jane Austen's Novels, and an Experiment in Method, Oxford University
Press (1987).
Butler, Marilyn. Jane Austen and the War of Ideas, Clarendon Press
Cecil, David. Portrait of Jane Austen, Penguin (1978).
Craik, W.A. Jane Austen: The Six Novels, Methuen (1965).
Craik, W.A. Jane Austen in her Time, Nelson
Duckworth, Alistair. The Improvement of the Estate: A Study of Jane
Austen's Novels, (1971).
Dwyer, June. Jane Austen, (1989).
Fergus, Jan. Jane Austen and the Didactic Novel (1983).
Grey, J. David, ed., A. Walton Litz and Brian Southam,
consulting editors. The Jane Austen Companion (with
A Dictionary
of Jane Austen's Life and Works by H. Abigail Bok), Macmillan, (1986).
Grey, J. David, ed. Jane Austen's Beginnings: The
Lady Susan,
UMI Research Press (1989).
Heath, William. Discussions of Jane Austen, D.C. Heath (1961).
Jenkins, Elizabeth. Jane Austen: A biography,
Gollancz (1938).
Johnson, C.L. Jane Austen: Women, Politics, and the Novel, (1988).
Kirkham, Margaret. Jane Austen, Feminism and Fiction,
Harvester Press / Barnes & Noble (1983).
Lascelles, Mary. Jane Austen and her Art, Oxford University Press
Laski, Marghanita. Jane Austen and her World, Viking (1969).
Leavis, F.R. The Great Tradition, Chatto and Windus (1947).
Le Faye, Deirdre, ed. Jane Austen's Letters,
3rd. ed. Oxford University Press (1995). [Earlier editions edited by Chapman.]
Litz, A. Walton. Jane Austen: A Study of Her Artistic
Development, (1965).
Mudrick, Marvin. Jane Austen: Irony as Defense and Discovery, University
of California Press (1952).
Nicolson, Nigel. The World of Jane Austen, Weidenfield and Nicolson
Rees, Joan. Jane Austen, (1976).
Scott, P.J. Jane Austen: A Reassessment, (1982).
Southam, B.C. Jane Austen: The Critical Heritage,
Routledge & K. Paul (1968); vol. 2 1870-1940 (1987).
Southam, B.C., ed. Jane Austen:
and Sensibility,
and Prejudice and
Park: A Casebook, Macmillan (1976).
Southam, B.C., ed. Northanger
Abbey and Persuasion:
A Casebook, Macmillan (1976).
Tanner, Tony. Jane Austen, Macmillan (1986).
Thompson, J.P. Between Self and World: The Novels of Jane Austen,
Todd, Janet, ed. Jane Austen: New Perspectives, (1983).
Tucker, George Holbert. Jane Austen the Woman:
Some Biographical Insights, St. Martins (1994).
Watt, Ian, ed. Jane Austen: A Collection of Critical Essays, (1963).
Weldon, Fay. Letters to Alice on First Reading Jane Austen, Michael
Joseph (1984).
Wilkes, Brian. Jane Austen, Hammond (1978).
Woolf, Virginia. "Jane Austen at Sixty", Nation, vol. XXXIV (15
December 1923), p.433.
Actualizado: Pablo García López.