Subject: 14214 Narrativa Inglesa desde el S.XVIII, Grupo C
Student´s name: Lucha Serrano, Patricia
Title of the paper: E-texts and Articles
written about Virginia Woolf
Author or topic: Woolf, Virginia
Abstract: I have based my
first paper both on e-texts and articles
written about Virginia Woolf. I have chosen
her because she is one of my favourite writers, and because last year I also
focused my essay of the subject of Métodos on her and her book “A room of
one’s own”. Before I hadn’t read anything about Woolf but
actually she has a way of thinking which, from my point of view, is logical and
realistic. The first topic I have worked on is very useful to all of us having
the opportunity of knowing about Woolf and her works without spending money on
it. The second topic lets me know the criticism of other writers about her and hidden information about her life.
Auto-evaluation: This is my first time working on a web site. I have never created one
before, so it was not as easy to me as people who control this media. The
contents are good, from my opinion, and I have worked hard to do all the links,
pictures and information to be arranged. I have also worked in extra activity
creating a fotolog about Virginia Woolf, in which I am going to load
pictures and write down articles, news, critics and other topics about her, and
also about the university. If I would have controlled computers and
technologies better than I do, I would have a greater web site, but I still
think it is not bad at all. I think my mark would be around 7-8, because of the
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Academic year 2008/2009
© a.r.e.a./Dr.Vicente Forés López
© Patricia Lucha Serrano
Universitat de València Press